Crypto Games

r/cryptogames3.2K subscribers2 active
Thousands of players, 16,777,216 cubes, Metacube. BETA in 7 hours!Advertisement

Hello everyone!

Metacube is a web3 game where players collaborate to destroy a giant cube on a single server. Inside the cube, you'll find rooms, enemies, damage cubes, and NFTs, all wrapped in parodic/futuristic blockchain lore.

Join us for the beta version launching in just 7 hours! Test the game, provide feedback, and earn exclusive beta NFTs and other rewards.

Join the fight here:


🃏 Poker Night Alert! Earn $CROSS with zkCrossNetwork 🎉News

Prepare for an exciting game of Poker and the chance to win $CROSS! ♠️♥️

Be part of the zkCrossNetwork’s thrilling Poker Night!

🗓️ Schedule: Friday, 31st at 12 PM UTC 🎁 Incentives: Earn 50 XPs just for participating

Socialize, enjoy yourself, and compete for awesome $CROSS rewards.

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Satoshi Strike Force on Base chain announced Whitelisting for it's TokensaleAdvertisement

The Future of Mobile Gaming

Satoshi Strike Force is set to revolutionize mobile gaming with its blend of innovative gameplay, engaging storyline, and blockchain technology on the Base Chain. This game is designed to captivate and entertain, offering players a unique gaming experience.

Immersive Storyline:

Players are drawn into the mysterious world of Satoshi Strike Force, following the legendary quest of Satoshi Nakamoto. Each level presents new secrets and challenges, ensuring that players remain engaged and eager to explore more. The deep narrative is a key feature that keeps players hooked.

Exciting Multiplayer Battles:

Relive the excitement of classic FPS games like Counter-Strike with Satoshi Strike Force’s thrilling 5v5 multiplayer battles. Team up with friends or challenge rivals in fast-paced, strategic combat. The game’s competitive nature and dynamic gameplay offer endless excitement.

Innovative Gameplay Mechanics:

Satoshi Strike Force stands out with its unique gameplay elements. Players can hack terminals and nodes to gain tactical advantages, such as revealing enemy locations or disabling security measures. These mechanics add a strategic layer to the game, making each match unpredictable and engaging.

Stunning Visuals:

The game features high-quality graphics that bring its futuristic world to life. From detailed environments to meticulously designed characters, every visual aspect of Satoshi Strike Force enhances the immersive experience, making it visually captivating.

Whitelisting for Early Investors Now Open

Great news for early adopters: the whitelisting form for the 1st Seed Round of the $SSF token is now open! This is a prime opportunity to get involved early in this groundbreaking game. By joining the whitelist, investors can unlock exclusive perks, rewards, and gain early access to Satoshi Strike Force. Don’t miss out on this chance to be part of the next big thing in mobile gaming.

Register now at: Whitelisting Form

Satoshi Strike Force is ready to transform mobile gaming on the Base Chain. With its compelling storyline, intense multiplayer action, and innovative gameplay mechanics, this game promises an unforgettable experience. Get ready to join the adventure and be part of the future of gaming!

Which crypto mmorpg should I play? Discussion

To not drag along, here is the list of the games I found: Big Time Mir4 Night Crows The Six Dragons ArcheWorld Which one do you guys think is worth it? What should I play?

Discover the next-level MMORPG in web3 from Rogues Studio. Sign up to join the waitlist & receive a free exclusive premium chest full of rewards!Advertisement

Join the community of 30,000+ gamers and be the first to know about upcoming rewards, special events, and behind-the-scenes. Don't miss out on the chance to be part of the next big thing in gaming. Sign up today!

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GTA Token: The Rise of Cryptocurrencies in the Gaming IndustryNews

GTA Token is an innovative project that merges the worlds of cryptocurrencies and the gaming industry. Blockchain-based games are becoming increasingly popular, and GTA Token aims to carve out a special place in this sector. The association with one of the most famous game series makes the project recognizable and instantly connects it with the audience.

Goals and Roadmap

The roadmap for the GTA Token project focuses on creating an innovative gaming experience, integrating blockchain technology, and developing unique game mechanics to enrich the gaming ecosystem. The goals for the first quarter were achieved ahead of schedule, and many second-quarter goals have already been met. For instance, the GTA Token is already trading on three CEX exchanges, such as BingX, Mexc, and BitMart. This sets it apart from similar projects that offer products but lack clear rewards for participation.

The integration of NFT technology is expected to create unique in-game assets and expand partnerships with other gaming platforms. This will help combat fraud and ensure the authenticity of gaming assets for users, while also opening new horizons for collecting and trading unique items within the gaming ecosystem. This creates unique value for gaming assets and stimulates the development of the gaming community.

The team plans to create tournaments for gamers with the integration of GTA Token. This will positively impact the token's price and its demand. A market capitalization of $100 million is a realistic goal, given the current exchange rate and ecosystem development pace. Various competitions and activities have been conducted by the team since the project's inception and are gaining momentum!

Unique Opportunities of the GTA Token Project

One of the unique opportunities of the GTA Token project is organizing special events and competitions within games, where players can win valuable rewards in the form of tokens. This stimulates active participation and creates additional opportunities for players. Currently, there are three ready projects; let's take a closer look at them.

Clicker Bot

Riding the wave of Notcoin's success, the hype around clicker bots in the Telegram messenger continues, and GTA Token couldn’t miss this trend. By simply tapping the screen and defeating bandits, players have the opportunity to earn cryptocurrency, which is already trading on exchanges. The reward directly depends on the number of tokens the user has in their wallet. The simple game mechanics and low entry barrier allow it to reach a broad audience.


This project combines two functions – increasing brand awareness of GTA Token and rewarding participants. For simple actions on Twitter, creating creative videos, and participating in the project's life, players receive weekly rewards in USDT, depending on their place on the leaderboard. The total prize pool is $100,000.

Frank Bot

12 puzzles, $5,000, 1 winner. The main skill required is the ability to search for information. The bot poses puzzles every few hours. The quickest to solve them wins the prize. Also based on Telegram, this bot attracts a different audience compared to the clicker.

These are just the first steps the team is taking to engage the current community and attract new participants to the project. And it's bearing fruit: the number of token holders is increasing, the number of followers on social media is growing, and more and more people are learning about and becoming part of the ecosystem!




The GTA Token project is an ambitious and innovative combination of cryptocurrencies and the gaming industry, offering unique opportunities for monetizing gaming time and creating a stimulating ecosystem. The association with a well-known game series and the successful implementation of the initial stages of the roadmap confirm the market potential.

The integration of the reward system, the future use of NFTs for unique gaming assets, and the creation of gamer tournaments demonstrate the team's commitment to development and community strengthening. Successful listings on major exchanges highlight the project's competitiveness.

Current projects are already attracting user attention and contributing to the growing popularity. In conclusion, GTA Token has all the chances to become a significant player in the gaming industry and the cryptocurrency space, thanks to its innovative concept, active community, and well-thought-out development strategy.


R-GAME: A Paradigm Shift in Online GamingDiscussion

As technology continuously reshapes our digital interactions, R-GAME stands out as a pioneering force in the online gaming sector. By merging artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology, R-GAME introduces a groundbreaking gaming experience that surpasses traditional limits.

The Transformation of Gaming

The days of static screens and straightforward storylines in gaming are long gone. Modern gamers seek immersive experiences that seamlessly integrate the real and virtual worlds. R-GAME caters to this demand by offering a dynamic gaming environment driven by AI, where players can undertake thrilling quests, compete fiercely, and connect with a global community of fellow enthusiasts.

Artificial Intelligence: The Core Engine

Central to R-GAME is its advanced AI system, which enriches every facet of the gaming experience. The AI facilitates intelligent non-player characters (NPCs) that adapt to player strategies and procedurally generated environments that evolve dynamically. By utilizing machine learning algorithms, R-GAME continuously adapts to meet the ever-changing preferences and needs of its players, delivering an unmatched level of immersion and engagement.

Blockchain Integration: Ensuring Security and Transparency

Complementing its AI prowess, R-GAME incorporates blockchain technology to guarantee security, transparency, and decentralization. Blockchain-powered smart contracts allow players to securely buy in-game assets, engage in peer-to-peer transactions, and stake their tokens for passive rewards. This use of blockchain not only secures player assets but also promotes a trustless environment where fairness and transparency are key.

Staking: Enhancing Player Rewards

A standout feature of R-GAME is its staking system, which enables players to earn passive rewards by holding and staking their tokens. By participating in staking, players contribute to the network's security and stability while receiving additional tokens as rewards. With various staking options and appealing annual percentage yields (APYs), this feature has become a favored method for players to boost their earnings and actively engage with the R-GAME ecosystem.

Fostering Community and Growth

R-GAME distinguishes itself through its vibrant, inclusive community of players, developers, and enthusiasts. Through forums, social media, and in-game events, players can connect, collaborate, and share experiences with like-minded individuals worldwide. This strong sense of community enhances the overall gaming experience and drives the ongoing growth and development of the R-GAME platform.

Looking Forward: The Future of R-GAME

As R-GAME continues to innovate and expand its offerings, its future appears exceptionally promising. With continuous advancements in AI technology, blockchain integration, and community engagement, R-GAME is set to lead the next wave of innovation in the gaming industry. Whether you're a veteran gamer or new to online gaming, R-GAME provides an exciting, immersive experience unlike anything before.


In summary, R-GAME epitomizes the fusion of innovation, creativity, and technological expertise. By leveraging AI and blockchain technology, R-GAME has developed a gaming platform that redefines the gaming experience and extends the boundaries of possibility. With its focus on security, transparency, and community, R-GAME is more than just a game – it's a revolution. Embark on the adventure today and explore the future of gaming with R-GAME!


Claim Your Free Gala Mystery Box with $MUSIC & $GALA Tokens Inside! 🚀 Check Eligibility Now!News

Uniswap airdrop participants!

Get ready for a surprise from Gala: free Mystery Boxes with $MUSIC and $GALA tokens! 🎉

Link your Metamask wallet to a Gala account to check eligibility. No account? No worries!

Sign up and link your wallet to claim your prize.

Don't miss out on over 39 million $MUSIC tokens!

Check details here: 🚀💰


Engines of Fury: The Game Revolutionizing Blockchain and Gaming, $FURY Now Almost $1Advertisement

Engines of Fury is making waves in the gaming and blockchain industries. Combining immersive gameplay with cutting-edge blockchain technology, the game has captured the attention of gamers and investors alike. The $FURY token, integral to the game’s economy, has seen a dramatic rise in value, now approaching $1. This article delves into the elements driving Engines of Fury's success and the promising future of the $FURY token.

The Game: Engines of Fury

Engines of Fury is a top-down extraction shooter set in a post-apocalyptic world. A mutagenic virus has transformed the Earth’s flora and fauna into monstrous creatures, forcing humanity to fight for survival. Players navigate dangerous environments, scavenging for resources, crafting powerful weapons and armor, and battling terrifying monsters.

Key Features: - Engaging Storyline: Players are drawn into a compelling narrative that keeps them invested in the game world. - Diverse Gameplay Modes: The game offers single-player, co-op, and PVPVE modes, catering to a variety of playstyles. - Customization: Players can customize their hideouts and characters, enhancing their strategic options and gameplay experience.

Blockchain Integration

What sets Engines of Fury apart from other games is its integration with blockchain technology. This integration brings several benefits: - Transparency: Players have clear, verifiable ownership of their in-game assets. - Security: Blockchain technology ensures that all transactions and assets are secure and tamper-proof. - Economic Opportunities: Players can trade, sell, and earn rewards within the game’s ecosystem, providing real-world economic value.

$FURY Token: A Rising Star

The $FURY token is the cornerstone of the Engines of Fury economy. It serves as the in-game currency, enabling players to buy, sell, and trade assets. Since its launch, $FURY has shown remarkable growth, rising by 200% and now approaching $1.

Reasons for $FURY’s Growth: - Strong Community Support: The game has garnered a dedicated player base that actively participates in the game's economy. - Innovative Gameplay: The unique blend of engaging gameplay and blockchain features attracts both gamers and investors. - Strategic Partnerships: Collaborations with major exchanges and gaming platforms have increased the token’s visibility and accessibility.

Bullish Outlook for $FURY

The future looks bright for $FURY, with several factors indicating continued growth: - Upcoming Developments: The game’s roadmap includes exciting updates and expansions that will attract new players and retain existing ones. - Increased Adoption: As more players join the game, the demand for $FURY will rise, driving its value higher. - Market Potential: The gaming and blockchain industries are both booming, providing a fertile ground for $FURY’s continued success.


Engines of Fury is not just a game; it’s a pioneering project that blends the best of gaming and blockchain. The rise of the $FURY token, now almost $1 and up 200% since launch, highlights the project’s potential and the strong support it has garnered. As Engines of Fury continues to innovate and grow, both gamers and investors have exciting opportunities ahead. Don’t miss out on being part of this groundbreaking journey.


Is it even possible for AI and blockchain gaming in one place.Advertisement

Yes, there is a racing game from #Rgames which has been launched and is one of a kind and making waves in the gaming world.

What makes #Rgames special is the graphics in the game are top notch and also there's an #Rgarage where one can design their car for the game and play.

Also, do not forget this #Rgames is a gaming AI token on Solana, and I can vouch for this do check this out while the market cap is low because this one has major potential.

Do check it out at

Revolutionizing DeFi with Omnia Protocol: Security, Interoperability, and InnovationAdvertisement

In the dynamic and ever-changing world of decentralized finance (DeFi), the Omnia Protocol stands out as a beacon of reliability and security. As innovation accelerates and security becomes increasingly crucial, Omnia Protocol provides traders, developers, and applications with a robust toolkit that offers seamless connectivity and unwavering support around the clock.

Omnia's core functionality revolves around its revolutionary ability to securely bridge diverse blockchains. In an era where interoperability is key, Omnia excels by giving users access to a vast network of over 40 blockchains. This access allows wallets and applications to communicate effortlessly, collaborate on projects, and execute transactions with confidence. Importantly, users maintain full control over their connections, enabling them to navigate the decentralized ecosystem with autonomy and peace of mind.

One of Omnia's most impressive features is its innovative approach to combating the threat of sandwich bots in the public mempool—a significant concern for traders who want to protect their strategies and assets. Omnia implements sophisticated safeguards to ensure that decentralized exchange (DEX) transactions remain protected from malicious actors, thereby preserving the integrity of the trading process and boosting user trust.

Omnia's impact goes beyond individual transactions; it strengthens the entire DeFi landscape. By providing a reliable toolkit, Omnia fortifies the foundations of decentralized finance, creating an environment where innovation can thrive and opportunities are abundant. Its unwavering commitment to availability and support acts as a shield against instability, ensuring that the DeFi ecosystem remains robust and adaptable in the face of evolving challenges.

In essence, Omnia Protocol is a cornerstone of the DeFi ecosystem, offering unparalleled security and connectivity to users worldwide. Its robust architecture not only highlights the transformative potential of blockchain technology but also signifies a paradigm shift in how financial transactions are conducted. For traders who prioritize security and efficiency, Omnia is an indispensable ally, embodying the spirit of decentralization while driving the DeFi movement forward into a new era of potential and prosperity. With Omnia, the future of decentralized finance is not just promising—it's secure, interconnected, and full of possibilities.

Website: Omnia Protocol

Satoshi Strike Force: Prepare for an Epic Adventure!Advertisement

Gear up for an adrenaline-fueled journey with Satoshi Strike Force, the game that's about to take the mobile gaming world by storm. With its immersive gameplay, thrilling storyline, and captivating visuals, Satoshi Strike Force promises to deliver an unparalleled gaming experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Immersive Gameplay: Dive into a world filled with mystery, danger, and excitement as you embark on a quest like no other. Each level of Satoshi Strike Force is meticulously crafted to challenge your skills and keep you coming back for more.

Intense Multiplayer Battles: Team up with friends or face off against rivals in fast-paced multiplayer battles that will test your reflexes and strategy. With its dynamic gameplay and strategic depth, Satoshi Strike Force offers endless hours of competitive fun.

Stunning Visuals: Prepare to be blown away by the game's stunning graphics and immersive environments. From futuristic cityscapes to ancient ruins, every detail is brought to life in breathtaking detail.

🚀 Whitelisting Coming Soon! 🚀

The excitement is building as Satoshi Strike Force prepares to open whitelisting for its upcoming tokensale. Secure your spot now to unlock exclusive perks, rewards, and early access to the ultimate gaming experience. Don't miss out on the excitement – join the #SSF group for the latest updates and be the first to know when whitelisting goes live!

Get ready to join the adventure of a lifetime with Satoshi Strike Force. The hype is real – don't miss out on your chance to be part of gaming history!


🎮 Exciting Tournament Alert! Join the Circle of Games Telegram Group for Prizes and Fun! 🏆Discussion

Big news!

There's a tournament coming up soon, and it's going to be awesome!

Lots of prizes to win, so get ready!

Join CIrcle of Games Telegram group to stay in the loop and be part of the fun!


Challenges of Cybersecurity in the Digital AgeAdvertisement

The deep sea remains one of the least explored areas on Earth. Recent expeditions have unveiled strange new species and ecosystems that thrive in the extreme conditions of the ocean floor.

Discovering Engines of Fury | Launching on 5 huge exchangesAdvertisement

Engines of Fury emerges as a thrilling addition to the gaming universe, offering players an innovative gaming adventure powered by blockchain technology. In this article, we delve into the captivating world of Engines of Fury and its potential for bullish growth in the gaming industry.

The Game:

Engines of Fury immerses players in a dynamic world filled with adrenaline-fueled challenges. Set in a post-apocalyptic realm overrun by mutants, players must navigate treacherous landscapes, scavenge for resources, and battle fierce creatures. With its captivating storyline and immersive gameplay mechanics, Engines of Fury promises an unforgettable gaming experience.

Blockchain Integration:

At the core of Engines of Fury lies its integration of blockchain technology, transforming the gaming landscape. By harnessing blockchain technology, Engines of Fury provides players with unparalleled transparency, security, and ownership of in-game assets. Players can confidently trade, sell, and earn rewards, knowing their investments are safeguarded by blockchain technology.

Bullish Outlook:

The future shines brightly for Engines of Fury as it gears up for its Token Generation Event (TGE) on May 15th. With mounting anticipation and excitement surrounding the game, investors are eagerly eyeing Engines of Fury as a potential opportunity for bullish growth. The forthcoming listing on a major exchange, to be announced soon, further ignites optimism for the game's success.

The Potential for Profit:

Investing in Engines of Fury's token, $FURY, presents a thrilling opportunity for investors seeking growth in the gaming industry. With its innovative gameplay mechanics, captivating storyline, and blockchain integration, Engines of Fury has captured the interest of traditional gamers and crypto enthusiasts alike. As the game gains momentum and popularity, early investors stand to reap significant profits.


Engines of Fury transcends the realm of gaming, embodying innovation and technological advancement. With its groundbreaking gameplay and blockchain integration, Engines of Fury is poised to redefine the gaming landscape. As the TGE approaches and the game prepares for its listing on a major exchange, anticipation grows, marking a new era in gaming with Engines of Fury at the forefront.


Discover the next-level MMORPG in web3 from Rogues Studio. Sign up to join the waitlist & receive a free exclusive premium chest full of rewards!Advertisement

Join the community of 30,000+ gamers and be the first to know about upcoming rewards, special events, and behind-the-scenes. Don't miss out on the chance to be part of the next big thing in gaming. Sign up today!

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Join the Web3 Gaming Discussion on Twitter Space this Wednesday at 1:00 PM UTC! Discussion


Gamers and Web3 fans, listen up!

This Wednesday at 1:00 PM UTC, there will be a Twitter Space chat about how tech is changing Web3 gaming.

You can join the talk and even win some of the 500 $HBAR prize pool if your question is one of the top ten.

Don't miss out!