Hello, I am very new to Couch Surfing and I have only met a few people just to hangout so far.

Now that I am going to start treveling, I got 3 offers from people(all men) to host me. I am a woman. One of them has quite a good review, the other two has only like 2 references so I declined. And it's all for the entire year..? Which means if I accept the offer, I get to stay the entire year??? This cannot be how it works, right?

The thing is I myself don't have any references at all and only have 2 friends. Even though I met more than 2 people and I thought we had a good time, they didn't accept my friend request lol. I have a long profile, but that's it. So I don't think I would have a good chance if I submit requests.

Are these offers quite common and safe enough? Am I overthinking? What do you think?