So I normally make my rice in the microwave in a big bowl, I wash the rice twice and have the water be twice the amount of rice. With it being 2 cups I microwave it for 8 minutes, check after 6, and microwave it for an additional 5 minutes. Turned out good, and really hot. I figure I can just crack some eggs in, mix it in with the rice and have the rice cook the eggs, and then mixed some butter in immediately after. I've done this before, with me not mixing enough and having the eggs completely solidify and being fully cooked. This time I mixed it more than usual and got it to be a bit of a mix rather than being able to see yolk and white separately. It's all yellow that looks a bit puree-ey and paste like. And then I decided to heat it up further after pouring in a bit of milk to further moisten. And heated for another 3 and then mixed in the sliced turkey bits. Mixed, and then poured a little bit more milk since it seemed a bit dry, and heated it an additional 5 minutes since I'll be honest I was worried about the eggs being a little undercooked. I get done and it looks great, like I said just a bit puree/paste like. It tastes fully cooked, and given the amount of heating and time sitting in very hot rice I think it's cooked well enough. My wife tries some and says it's great, but then asks how I cooked it. Told her, and she got extremely upset with me saying it's unsafe for her to eat. Next time I'm thinking of just taking the rice and mixing eggs in on the stove top instead to make her feel better and more safe, but I want to know for sure if this would be safe, or if I'm an idiot. EDIT: Looking into it with some further research it seems like it's very likely safe but it's not for sure. In the future I plan on doing it differently. Cooking the rice in the microwave like normal. But after fully cooking I would then dip it in a pre mixed egg bowl and then cook it off on the stove top

EDIT 2: Since I've been getting some comments, this'll be a bit of an FAQ I guess.

I know how to cook rice in the stove, and was originally taught how to cook rice this way. I only recently got a rice cooker since my wife bought it a few months ago.

I only cook the rice in the microwave because I wanted something quick. Normally if it's a smaller serving I only need to microwave for 8 minutes, larger servings 12 minutes. The only reason I microwaved more was due to my wife being worried about it being undercooked even though it would have been cooked plenty. So I threw it back in for another 8 or so minutes. Totalling a little over 20. Just know that normally it takes much less time. So please stop critiquing me for this.

I have a rice cooker as stated, and do own pots and pans to be able to cook it over the stove. I also know how to wash rice, my stepmom is Filipino and would be very disappointed if I didn't know how to wash them since she taught me.

Why did my wife worry? Because she's pregnant, and is trying to be super conscious of what she's eating and is trying to as safe as humanly possible. Hence why I decided to cook this longer.

The reason I didn't state all of this is because I didn't think people would judge, critique, and ask so many questions when I felt I provided everything I needed.

My wife and I both feel safe, and now know that this method is fine. However in the future I'll be cooking it differently for her.

I'll be doing it by having a separate bowl with beaten eggs, and dipping fully cooked rice in that, maybe soaking it a bit and then cooking that in a pan with the pan being buttered, essentially making egg fried rice. Any additional ingredients would be added as it's cooked over, such as cheese, meats, maybe some veggies and seasoning.