a prototype satellite he designed to generate and transmit free energy to the world. The Stark Energizer. addressed the United Nations. By the end of his speech, the organization voted to disband leaving Mr. Stark in charge. Within the week, Stark Industries took over all functions of the UN and Iron Man began to send squadrons of remotely controlled Iron Man armor along with members of the Avengers, all around the world. Their mission was to end war. The majority of opponents surrendered. Additionally, Stark Industries facilities were opened across the globe. Any remaining resistance was crushed. Where are the Avengers now? Yellow Jacket is presently in London supervising the European continent. Miss Marvel oversees South America. Wasp is in Asia. And Black Panther-- Who is in New York? Thor serves as Iron Man's bodyguard. Hawkeye oversees the Iron Men.

Read more: https://www.springfieldspringfield.co.uk/view_episode_scripts.php?tv-show=the-avengers-earths-mightiest-heroes-2010&episode=s02e19

I watched this episode as a kid. Disney decided to reair them and when I was rewatching it it actually hit home. This is predictive programming. Charismatic Billionaire (Tony Stark) gives the world Free Energy in the end it turns out to be a Supervillains plan for Mass mind control. The UN dissolved after one Speech by said Charismatic leader (Tony Stark) and all world governments dissolved allowing for the creation of a New World Order headed by one central figure Tony Stark who is the Anti Christ but the Charmistic leader is still a puppet being controlled by a Shadow Elite (Purple Man).

The “Resistance” aka people who called bull shit on this “Free Energy” were quickly arrested by the Police State of Iron Men and Super Heroes. Remember the Marvel Universe Aliens and Extra-dimensional beings already exist. In our world Aliens still haven’t been revealed to the world. So the Marvel Universe could pull this off.

That’s literally the plot of Project Blue Beam.

You can watch the episode here: https://www.wcostream.net/the-avengers-earth-s-mightiest-heroes-season-2-episode-19-emperor-stark