I know everyone sees this as some sort of gotcha moment but I really dont care. I know who I am. And I know right from wrong. Gay sex is wrong. It’s disgusting. It never made me feel good. I was simply broken, hated myself and was desperate for attention. Homosexuality never improved that. It only made me sicker. I feel no attraction to other guys. I actually am repulsed by gay culture and even seeing gay dudes makes my stomach turn. I was brainwashed into believing that it was okay to do such sick things. I take responsibility for what I did, but society needs to stop promoting this type of degeneracy as okay and normal. It is not. It is sick and an abomination. I have to live with this for the rest of my life and can never tell anyone. Even if I ever get married one day I would have to keep this demon buried in my closet knowing no girl would ever love a guy who did what I did. My advice to anyone thinking thus may be the route for them, is to simply not indulge. Being alone is much better than getting affection from something disgusting and abhorrent.