I (23m) fucking love her (23f), but holy shit she scares me shitless all the time. She isn't intimidating at all but she sometimes talks in a certain way, a sort of low tone, somewhat seductive, but it doesn't turn me on, it fucking creeps my shit out. Secondly, she watches gore, has been doing so for a while. She is extremely desensitised to violence, and makes violent fantasies about people she doesn't like. This, combined with her recently discovered sociopathic and hypersexual elements, kinda scare me.

Every single night, I come back to make dinner, and after i do so I usually sit around, watching YouTube or play video games. And my wife comes back from work around that time. Instead of ringing the goddamn doorbell, she lockpicks the door (i still don't understand how she does that), and comes behind me, and just stays there, til i notice her. Sometimes she says things like "your doing good" or "interesting" of anything regarding what I'm doing. I was alone at home the moment before, so i jump. I've confronted her about this. She says she knows and that she does this shit for my reaction. Infact, whenever I'm home she always picks the fucking lock.

There was also this one time, my leg cramps were acting up, to the point that i couldn't walk. I was shouting for her to help me. When she came, she just sat there with a thin smile on her face. At that point I lost it and said " what the fuck are you waiting for", she just said "its cute watching you in pain"

She also never asks for sex, i have to put my foot down and say "no", or she'll go ahead. She also wears very exposing clothes at home, that make me kinda uncomfortable, she knows that and continues.

Oh yea also the hypersexuality and sociopathy things reference my previous posts for brief shit ive explained everything there. But the relevant thing is the part where she thretened to kill a homeless women's child. Which caught me off guard.

And she stabbed a rabid dog, it was self defense so yeah.

She really likes watching me cry btw, it's fucked up but yeah. And when she's really really drunk, she tries to rape me. Like straight up get on top of me type shit. I know some of yall think it's not justified, but to be fair she's on 5 bottles, and can barely walk, her "rape" attempts never really work out as she just flings her naked self at me, which doesn't particularly work as shes smaller than me, i just move aside, or hold her. Pretty easy.

Anothee thing is that shes tried to physically assault a lot of people, almost gotten arrested, some I believe she got away with, though no proof so fuck that.

I don't want to break up with her because she does, infact love me, as I know from what she's told other people. She just... is a wee bit fucked up. This is some anime yandere "i can fix her " type shit but how the Jesus almighty may I go about this. I'm writing this in bed drowsy as hell at 3 in the morning recovering from a hangover so I don't remember much stuff, just shit from the top of my head. But yeah, the lockpick thing is a fucking issue I want help with. And uh, the confession is that she fuckin spooky, man. Anyway, i need sleep, so goodnight.

EDIT: my wife doesn't have the keys because I work half the day, come back home tired. Getting copies of the key will take time and effort i don't want to take out of my already long gone day. So please be understanding, I'll get a copy today as soon as I get out of work.

UPDATE: https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/s/vHWk05uFfH