
About a year ago I had to take my gremlin Smokey (and his elderly and much more behaved brother Nicki) to the vet for a checkup. He did not approve and was an absolute menace throughout the entire ordeal (we literally had to put up a wall between him and Nicki so he wouldn't get rowdy with him). First he didn't want to get into the carrier (as to be expected) then he proceeded to poop on the carrier right before we had to leave while I was trying to get him in. When I finally got him in and we've set off he was complaining nonstop and I honestly think he was planning to murder me (see first picture). He also didn't cooperate with the vet and was screeching at the top of his lungs (he could literally be heard from outside, in the car!) throughout the entire checkup. We wanted to get him checked since he started being very loud and aggressive and we wanted to make sure he's fine. Turns out he was just going through puberty and being a hormonal butthole. Oh well. At least he's healthy lol