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Clue (2023)’s Deluxe Edition is 60% off on the Playstation Store. Should I buy it?

1.29GB and including the base game, Black Adder, Black Adder - Case File’s Revisited and the Tropical Pack. Playable up to 6 players Online and Offline.

To those who played: How is the base game? Am I gonna enjoy it? I’m a big fan of the board game.


First names?!

Was doing research for a Clue short story for school and ChatGPT gave me first names with them!?
I was shocked to say the least, because
1) they're not in the movie... are they canon? Where did they come from and how accurate could this information be if some people list multiple name possibilities for some of them? and
2) in the movie they explain the colors are just aliases, so why would they even have first names associated with the color names; are they real first names paired with fictional last names? Does that even make sense?

Here's the list AI gave me:

Miss Scarlet (Katherine "Kitty" White)
Colonel Mustard (Colonel Michael Mustard)
Mrs. White (Mrs. Elizabeth Peacock)
Mr. Green (Mr. Harold Greenwood)
Mrs. Peacock (Mrs. Blanche White)
Professor Plum (Professor Peter Plum)
Nothing for Wadsworth or the cook or driver or police chief or singing telegram girl

What do y'all think?

Multiplayer with Friends

Before I even buy the game, is it possible to play online with a friend?

Collectors Editions with Special Tokens:

Hi all, I love Clue and enjoy collecting the ones with specialized tokens such as: Simpsons or Rick and Morty Clue. I was wondering if there are more boards with specialized carved figures and not just cardboard cut outs. Does anyone know if they made more specialized token editions? I am so sorry, I’ve no idea how to properly describe what I’m in search for.

Need Trophy

I need to play an online game with friends for the achievement but my friends don’t want to waste money on the game… somebody help

Professor Plum’s real name

I’m curious what people believe Professor Plum’s real name is. Not including Edgar or Peter, I know those names are considered somewhat canon to some versions and fans. But I need a different name for a class I’m in.

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Suggestion card “?”

I have a question about the ? Suggestion card in clue board game ;

The card reads that all players must reveal a card to the person to their left. I interpret that as I must show them a card I haven’t revealed to them specifically yet. If I show them a card that I have already shown them then it’s the equivalent of showing them nothing and not the point of the card. Another player suggested you could show them a card they have already shown them specifically but I feel like that’s cheating somehow. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Thank you!

LEGO Clue Idea

Hey! Would really appreciate it if you supported my idea for a LEGO version of the CLUE game. Thanks!

Long story short

Does anyone find themselves saying "too late" to themselves whenever anyone says long story short?

Achievement Hunter: Friend Game

Hello! PlayStation trophy hunter here! I was wondering if anyone would play a friends online game with me on the PlayStation 4! Specifically the newest clue game, let me know!

If you enjoy magic the gathering and clue they made a mashup version that I enjoyed!

You have to know how to play magic the gathering because it overlays a clue structure suggestion/accusation style game on top of the regular magic but I felt like it really added a fun twist to both games giving a depth of decision making you have to make to decide which angle you are going to win with… clue deduction or magic domination

Clue on Playstation

So I've been playing clue on the Playstation since it just came out. There is a story to it along with 3 different game modes you can play the story is completely optional since you have to do objectives to progress it and you earn cosmetics when completing a set. Anyway I'm trying to do a objective for the rooms tab where i have to enter at least 6 rooms in a single game. I play offline since i don't like playing online. Everytime i get near completing it one of the bots has to of course end the game lmao. I furthest I've ever gotten was to enter 1 more room other than that I'd need 2 or 3 more rooms to enter and it's getting me frustrated. So idk what I'm supposed to do. I've tried classic mode, ultimate detective (which you have to enter a room when you roll the dice i always need to enter 3 more rooms whenever i play this mode) and the final mode is classic with clue cards.

a clue mystery

has anyone else read the A Clue Mystery series by Diana Peterfreund? it’s based off the Clue game, of course, and is really good. i’ve only read the first two, and i plan on starting the third one soon.

it also has two main characters that are gay, which i love.

if you’ve read the third book, i have a question. now, if you havent read all three books, i don’t recommend reading this next part as it has large spoilers for the second book.

Amazon Prime listing is messed up

Amazon Listing

It has the title as "One Day" and the year 2011. Weird.


Do you have a ‘main’, and if so, who is it?

I wanted to create this poll because I’m a diehard Scarlet main, and was curious if anyone else had a very strong attachment to a particular character.

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Why no Clue (1985 film) board game version?

Seriously we can get The Office, Squishmellows....but not Clue film with Tim Curry version?

I am not trying to knock the themed ones (I have Simpsons, also: Giant Clue from Aldi, Worlds Smallest Clue, Clue Suspects) but I'm just saying there should be a 1985 film version of the board game.

Seems so obvious to me, and it just never happened? Nuts.

Clue: WWII Spies & Espionage Gameplay help needed

Hi all, we got this new version of clue but the instructions are a little lacking, does anyone know how to play this? How many secret agents and character ability cards does each person get in a 3 person game?

Tips for shuffling

Anyone have tips for shuffling the cards in a way where you don't accidentally see them?

Clue Escape

I hate the Amazon reviews for this game because why are you giving it a 1 star review bc YOU don't understand what "DO NOT REMOVE ANT OTHER COMPONENTS UNTIL INSTRUCTED TO DO SO" like it's not the game developers fault that you can't read nor understand something so simple.

Question About Suggestion Cards

If a player makes a suggestion and no one has a card to show for that suggestion what do you do? Does the player(that made the suggestion) get to make another suggestion? Thank you!