• 5,43GB music + 6,56GB roms (lots emulated games) + 397mb images = 12,38GB of local files and I still have 4GB left to add or install more stuff (I even have Collabora Office installed on Android which is 0,5GB)
  • Also my Chromebook runs very smooth with only 4GB of RAM and Android apps work perfect (ArcVM Android on ARM chipset here, not using Linux as I don't want/need it since PWA + Android fill all my needs).

These specs wouldn't be enough in any other OS but it works more than flawless in here to me. To make it better no fans, never gets warm and +10h battery life (ARM magic 😛).

EDIT: Since people seem to think I'm lying, I've been used to lag or that I even work for for Acer (LMAO it's a Lenovo device) I just recorded a video https://streamable.com/ftgia9 

Just an advice: if you received ArcVM when you had Arc++ and never powerwashed your Chromebook since then, remove Android, restart the Chromebook and enable Android again. That should solve all your issues regarding to Android.