Christian Witch

r/christianwitch2.9K subscribers3 active
What Does Deuteronomy 18:10-12 Mean to a Christian Witch?Resource

For the people coming to this sub to ask "but how do you justify witchcraft when the Bible says it's bad?", this blog post is a must.


I hope it helps.

Pinnedby ollivanderwandsEclectic Witch
Resources for Christian witchesResource

I'm collecting all the recommendations in a single post for future reference.

Any addition or correction is welcome.

  • The Path of a Christian Witch by Adelina St. Claire
  • "Secrets of the Psalms" by Godfrey Selig
  • Ancient Christian Magic: Coptic Texts of Ritual Power by Marvin Meyer and Richard Smith
  • My new Everyday Prayer Book by Brother Ada
  • The Magic of Catholicism: Real Magic for Devout Catholics by Brother Ada
  • Ritual Magic for Conservative Christians by Brother Ada
  • Blessings & Folk Magic by Karol Jankowski
  • The Christian Witch's Handbook by H. Fuller Hutchinson


  • Christian Magicians, Jewish Magical Idioms, and the Shared Magical Culture of Late Antiquity, Harvard Theological Review LINK
  • Jewish Magicians and Christian Clients in Late Antiquity: The Testimony of Amulets and Inscriptions LINK


  • Sara Raztresen:

What is a Christian Witch? | Theology, Culture, and Sociopolitical Identity in Religion

YouTube Channel: srazzie97


  • The Jesus Witch with Lina El-Saieh Lee
  • The Christian Witch with Amy Smith
  • The Christian Witch Podcast by ChristianWitchHTX

Catholic Italian folk magic:

  • Italian Magic: Secret Lives of Women by Karyn Crisis
  • Burn a black candle by Dee Norman
  • Italian Folk Magic by Mary Grace Fahrun
  • Power and Magic in Italy by Thomas Hauschild
  • Vestiges of Ancient Manners and Customs Discoverable in Modern Italy and Sicily
  • The Things We Do: Ways of the Holy Benedette
  • Spells, Saints, and Streghe by Sabina Magliocco:
  • Youtubers: Chaotic Witch Aunt. Mary-Grace Fahrun

Pennsylvania Dutch:

  • “Pow-Wows; Long Lost Friend”, by John George Hohman
  • Hex and spellwork by Karl Herr
  • "The Powwow Grimoire" by Robert Phoenix
  • "The Red Church" by C. R. Bilardi

Ozark folk magic:

  • “Roots, Branches and Spirits”, by H. Byron Ballard
  • “Southern Cunning”, by Aaron Oberon
  • “New World Witchery”, by Cory Thompson Hutcheson
  • “Crossroads of Conjure”, by Katarina Rosbold
  • “Mountain Conjure and Root Work”, by Orion Foxwood
  • “Backwoods Witchcraft”, by Jake Richards
  • “Ozark Mountain Magic” and “Ozark Mountain Spellbook”, by Brandon Weston
  • “Backwoods Shamanism”, by Ray Hess


Pinnedby ollivanderwandsEclectic Witch
names and versesQuestion | Theology & Practice

Hi all! I have 2 questions for you. What is another word to use in place of Witch, to ease the minds of other Christians? What are your thoughts/beliefs/explanations when reading verses like Galatians 5:19-21, Revelation 21:8 and 22:15? There is a few more that speak of sorcerer’s but these verses specifically mention sin in regard to witchcraft. Thank you and blessed be!

Working with saints Discussion

I want to start working with a certain saint for a particular intention but I dont really know how...Ive only ever prayed to a saint once. can i have some advice on how to go about this in a proper manner? Anything I can do to make my prayers stronger?

Thanks God!✝️Discussion

Thanks God!!!!✝️

by OccultchiristianChristian Mystic
Help with attracting the right guy for marriage.Prayer / Group-casting Request

Hi everyone! I’m working on drawing in the right man to be with. I’m very traditional and would love to marry a man who is loyal, honest, romantic (a strong loving attraction to one another), well off/established (so I can be a stay at home mom and raise our children along with making our house into a loving home), and has the same traditional values. I appreciate anyone who feels drawn to help me with my desires. Hoping I can learn more from this page as I consider myself an old world Christian. Thank you for taking the time to read this post. :)

Angel SamaelQuestion | Theology & Practice

Hi everyone. I have been studying The Keys of Solomon for my workings. Still in the very beginning but l identified my birth Angel. It is Samael. I have MANY questions about it and I have been searching a lot from different cultures on what he is and represents. All I read is that he is a fallen Angel, or even a demon. How is that so? How can your birth Angel be this figure?? I am trying to make sense of it and to accumulate more knowledge about it because I intend to have a relationship with my angels. I read about his duality but still is not clear for me what is his role on being a protector Angel. Can anyone that has a better knowledge help me with some information? Thanks!

How do incorporate witchcraft into my faith?Question | Theology & Practice

Hey all I’ve been in this subreddit for a while , just kind of chilling in the background. This is my first post. I believe in God 100 percent, and I align a lot of my beliefs in God with Catholic practice. But I also practice witchcraft, as I was called to it. How do you all incorporate the two together? Furthermore how do you all explain to people who say that the Bible says not practice witchcraft that you are genuinely a believer in God? Thanks!

Is it possible to use the "Small Key of Solomon"?Question | Spellwork

Sorry for my bad English (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞

by OccultchiristianChristian Mystic
Lost Question | Theology & Practice

I’m very conflicted right now, it seems thanks to past trauma some christian fan art triggers me and it’s making me question if Christianity is even right for me anymore

I don’t feel God around me though I do feel blessed by him often, I know it’s not him or Jesus or the saints I want to disconnect from It’s the Bible, it’s the “spiritual warfare is real” it’s “the devils works…” and such as well as “witchcraft is manipulation” I’m tired of that

At the same time my husband told me to not go to any other Gods or Goddesses so I’m stuck feeling like I don’t belong


What do you all of you think about a lot ex-witch stories on yt?Discussion

I was doing some research about working with Mother Mary on yt and started to see a lot of ex-witch testimonies about their practices. Do you guys think their experiences are genuine or they were just doing their practice wrong?

Alchemy practice?Question | Theology & Practice

Does anyone practice alchemy?

by OccultchiristianChristian Mystic
Pentagram it’s Christian symbol Discussion

Because In medieval Western Christianity, the pentagram was a reminder of the five wounds of Christ: from the crown of thorns on his forehead to nails in his hands and feet.

by OccultchiristianChristian Mystic
Full moonDiscussion

Funny how I can tell when it is a full moon.

I was born on a new moon, so a full moon makes me basically lazy feeling.

Angel Yoga explainedResource

I posted this before and someone asked me to explain Deity Yoga a little more so I'm doing that.

Visualization practice works with our relationship to the phenomenal world with our relationships to the phenomenal world of appearance and seeks to undermining it's solidity and shift it into it into an alternate, awakened perspective. All that is really necessary for it to work Deity practice is to take place within the framework of a ritual liturgical text called a means of accomplishment. There is great variety in the sequence of practices within these texts, depending on which level of tantra and which traditions they belong to. Different relationships with the diesties are cultivated, such that of the lord, friend, and siblings, and then as that of lord, friend, and sibling, and then total identiffication through visualization of one self as the deity. Traditionally there are these aspects, or techniques, to developd in visualization practice: clarity recollecting purity, and prid. Clarity, recollecting purity, and pride. Clarity of form is the art of visualizing with steady, vivid precision. The deity is held in the mind clearly, yet is always empty is held in the mind clearly, yet is always emprty of solid reality, like a vivid rainbow. This is not only a focus for acheiving one pointed attention and stillness, but also provides instant feedback on the state of ones mind. It is immediately apparent that a relaxed mind is a necessary condition for sustained visualization, as it is for any sustained visualization, as it is for any kind of excersize in memory. Advice on how to cultivate this clarity is given in the text. The third aspect to cultivate pride of the diety or divine pride. Generally, this means maintaining the deep sense of acutally being the deity, pure and perfect in every way. It is not the feeling of imposing an alien personality on top of the old one. In the completion stage, the whole new wonderful world dissolves back into it's basic ground, from which it never really departed. Recognizing that the visualization was created in the first place by was created in the first place by mind, empty and radiant, and dissolves back into it, purifies or prepares us for the process of actual death, when this realization can result in full awakening. Various experiences arise as this method becomes effective but the meditator is warned not to fixate on them, for they too are unreal, passing away like everything else. The one single tool that is stressed continuously to get through all manner of mental events, obstacles, distractions, and positive thoughts is called mindfulness, the ability to focus and know what is happening.

Angel Yoga is a simple practice:

It's 2 different meditations of 10 minutes. First you make a request for the Angel to come to you. Then you visualize the angel outside of you sending it's energy coming from the Angel then visualize the Angel inside of you and absorbs its energies. Both for 10 minutes each.

Then have the image of the Angel dissolve in front of you and dismiss and thank them.

This practice is very POWERFUL! I have cured 3 symptoms of my Schizophrenia, Relived side effects of medications. Got myself to remember my dreams more and have beocome more creative and avctive in my creative pursuits. I plan to do more in the future. It takes a year of meditation for the effcts to permanently stick. GOOD LUCK!

The gateway frequency and the experiments of NIMResource How a biurnal beats frequency researched back in the 60s alters consciousness. There is a movie called "The secret of Nim" I'm going to watch. Eleven hours of the gateway frequency. I'm gonna give it a try with earbuds.

AddictionQuestion | Spellwork

Hey family,

New to this. Are there any Psalms Spells for kicking addiction… alcohol? I

Thanks in advance 🙏🏽