Chinchillas Hub

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Weekly Thread: Questions Monday

Feel free to ask/answer any kind of questions regarding chinchillas here.

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Pinnedby AutoModeratorModerator
Please Don't feed the troll

As many of you have noticed, there is a person who keeps making new reddit accounts to post in here, describing cruelty to chinchillas.

If you see a post you suspect is from this person, just report it and move on. Block them if you don't want to see anything else they said. Please do not respond to them, even if you think you have the wittiest comeback. They want your attention and your outrage, regardless of the form they take. (Yes, I'm aware this notice also gives them attention. Can't be helped).

Also, please report posts even if you think someone else must have done it already. The auto-mod will remove posts with a certain number of reports, even if no human moderator is around to act on them. So the quicker you bury the troll in reports, the fewer visitors to the sub have to see their comments.

Thank you.

Pinnedby SaptaZaptaModeratorChinchillin'
chinchilla got into a glue trapper smh

i was looking for my chinny since my dad left him out and i decided to leave him alone for a sec. so he can get out of where he was hiding and i can grab him without scaring him out. he was under his cage and i guess my parents keep sticky glue flytraps (cylindrical foil ones) and he got too curious.

heard him squirming and screaming, he was practically hugging the tube lmao poor thing, and my dad pried him off .. HUGE PATCH of fur and whiskers on the trap, he still has stubborn adhesive residue on his chest idk how to take it out without getting too much water in his pelt

thoughts? what should i do

Young, restless chin! Little tiny advice please!

Hiya all!

Not too sure if this is appropriate for here but I'm a little stressed for my young man right now. So I only recently got him, hes about 3 months old and was rejected by his father and was separated, so the man I got him from suggested I get him alone. He also let him free roam quite a lot apparently unfortunately, which I think my little man expects now. He is very brave doesn't seem to mind me in his cage hes super curious and will groom my hands as i add or move stuff, and he seems content a lot of the time.

Unfortunately I just don't know how to get around him wanting out! Its not that he cant of course but I know little chins can't be out or at least not long at all and wheels aren't really suitable for them either. His cage is big and he has looooads of toys that I swap out. I try and rearrange his cage to keep him interested and it works for a little and he popcorns about and has a chat and a nice chew (tho it is quite difficult to get in there while he's near because my arms are a bridge to the outside and boy does he wanna cross it) by night he's still back to pulling on the bars like a little criminal and making frustrated little grunts.

If it's just a thing of having to let him figure out when is appropriate or letting him get used to it, especially before growing up, that's not an issue! I just don't want him to be upset!

Sorry for long post and thank you so so much in advance for any tips or advice or observations!

Recommendations for baby monitor/camera for chins

I need a way to monitor the temps in the house without getting a smart gauge for my HVAC (I have heard they can cause the AC to turn off and that’s the last thing I need). So instead I am looking for a baby monitor that can work off electric AND battery and it alerts you when the wifi is just out vs the electric being out altogether. I figure if it doesn’t have the temp gauge included I’ll just have it facing the temp gauge I already have anyway. Basically I want a way to monitor the temps in the house when I’m not home and I don’t want it to become a headache where I am rushing home only to find out the wifi is out but the AC is still working. Thanks!

Chinchilla pain medications

Hello, I have a 21 year old chinchilla that has a tumor on the roof of her mouth. It's been making her paw at it and drool. The vet and I were discussing pain medications. She said she could try Tramadol, but it mat not work and could potentially cause stasis.

My chinchilla is on an anti inflammatory eye drop and an eye ointment for a degenerative eye disease, SS Cream, TMZ for chronic sores attributed to a bone spur on the bottom of her foot, milk thistle, gabapentin for pain, and meloxicam for pain. I was told she's on the maximum amount she can have for the gabapentin and meloxicam. She's been fed critical care for years to maintain weight. She's been overgrooming her side and now she's limping on that side. So now Im worried theres a tumor in there now and i cant do anything about that. Because of course the mouth wasnt painful enough, but the universe decided to screw her over. I don't know what all pain medications are safe for a chinchilla. Can someone list them, so I can bring it up with my vet?

This is not a houseplants sub, but…
This is not a houseplants sub, but…
by Dan_in_MunichDad of Yin and Yang 👦🇩🇪👦
Breeders in or around Maryland

Does anybody know of any reputable breeders in or around Maryland? I’m looking for a chinchilla friend for my chinchilla.


Little ahead of time but my question is how do you deal with 4th of July fireworks and your chins ? Don’t know how it’ll go for mine especially since my neighbors go overboard.

Bloody paws

My boyfriend’s chinchilla has two bloody paws currently. We let him out the cage to run around and have some fun, put him back to have dinner, then got him back out and we noticed some spots on our bed when he jumped up and laid for a moment. His favorite spot in his cage has some staining now too.

He’s obviously worried and already making an appointment with the vet, but if anyone has advice it’d be much appreciated.

New chin 🥹 name ideas?
by SnooCalculations232Dad of _ chinchillas