So there's a beautiful little cave very close to where I live and it's drawn me in. I'd like to one day in the near future push it to its furthest extremities (only 1,500ft) and the tunnel ascends in elevation rather than descends. It is a dry cave with only one narrow entrance. However the very furthest part (and anecdotally well before that) has been noted as having "bad air". These sections have previously been dug in search of new passages. It sees very little activity and it wouldn't surprise me if nobody has been to the farthest end in decades.

How would I go about reaching the end safely and mitigate this bad air risk as much as I can? I know it's possible because it has been mapped and I'm aware that digging used to occur at the far reaches. Has anyone done this and brought some oxygen cylinders that mountaineers use etc even disposable ones? Possible to clear up the bad air with CO2 scrubbers etc? (it's not a huge area and higher elevated than the entrance) or is this a pipe dream?

(I know this is not recommended ever, but the fact it was previously dug makes me think it's possible to at least reach the end)


Edit: Decided against going past the limits of the lighter test, it’s not worth the risk and not worth the expense of proper apparatus and training for an extra 750ft of cave. Thank you all for your time and informative responses