Hi folks,

We are looking for what might be our last interesting paddling trip in northern Canada. My wife and I have done our share of paddling in the north. I started back in the early 90s, but our northern trips have become far less frequent over the years with kids and life in general. The references we have, like our memories, are getting a bit dated and are in need of updating.

We've been able to get enough paddling in with our girls that they still like tripping with the parents, but at 13 & 15, they will be more interested in other things pretty soon. Time is no longer my friend either, besides just age, injuries have piled up and overlapped over the years to the point were I don't have much portaging left in one leg (surgery has done what is possible, now excercise is just delaying knee and hip replacement). I can still do some, but the days of carrying loads up and out of watersheds are gone (don't seem to mind that somehow).

Here is what we are looking for:

  • 10-14 days paddling (unguided).
  • End of August.
  • 4 people and a dog.
  • K2 and a canoe.
  • Limited, simple rapids. With a folding K2, even Class 2 would be a stretch.
  • Limited portaging. Anything over 300m is getting daunting these days.

Does anyone have a source of up to date information or ideas on:

  • The Mackenzie River upstream of the delta. Worried about the population density. Yeah, we've been spoiled.
  • The Slave River, perhaps starting from Ft. Chip or down stream of the dam. Worried about the amount of rapids.
  • North shore of Athabasca, say Fond-du-Lac to Stoney Rapids or there abouts. Have done the dunes a couple of times and the north shore west of Fond-du_Lac to Ft. Chip, beautiful, but looking for something new. Have flow over the delta and would preffer to avoid it.
  • The Stanley Mission area. Have done long strecthes of the Churchill, but somehow have missed Stanley.
  • Any trip you think might work for us but I've over looked.

The Sask government used to hand out numbered paddling trip guides that were invaluable. These were migrated online and the link I have is broken. I'll google it, but if anyone has a current link, I'd appreciate it.
