I flew to Disney last week on Spirit airlines and after searching their breastfeeding policy and finding a horror story of someone being reprimanded on spirit for “waving their breast around” I was a little worried. I just saw the post from the person on Delta (so horrible!!) and thought I’d add my story to give some hope. I had a lap infant (7 months) and I brought my boppy pillow (highly recommend!) and had a two perfect flights! I sat in economy and also in the big seats in front and everybody (workers, other people on the flight) were respectful. The big seat in the front is near the bathroom so if people were waiting to use it they just turned their backs to me. Honestly I wouldn’t have cared either way I was covered but I appreciate the effort. Basically I was left alone and LO did great! She slept the entire flight there and was awake the whole flight back but did great. No crying, I tried to feed on take off and landing. I would do it again!