I am a SAHM/ housewife, and have been for the last 16 years. All of a sudden my husband wants me to have a savings account he cant access that he will put a sum of money into for me to "have in case". He's not abusive, but he read that thread on a sub that shall not be named, about the guy divorcing his wife over a go bag, and decided he'd rather i stay because i want to and not because i have to, kind of thing. He has told me, he is not leaving and nothing has changed, he just wants me to have it for peace of mind. Also he said if he were to die and for whatever reason i couldn't access our joint accounts for a while (we both worry a LOT about the "what if"s), i wouldn't be hosed while i got things sorted out.

Logical Brain (tm) knows what he is saying and that it makes sense. But I have some relationship OCD themes that pop up, and oh my GODS i am stuck in this rumination loop that everything has changed, he plans to leave, i'll never see him or the kids again. It was literally 5am and im crying and constantly repeating in my head that he's not leaving to try and counter it, but it's not working.