I'll try to be short. Me (18F) and him (18M) have kind of history. He tried to drunkenly hook up, I refused more rudely than was necessary. He talked about me with his friends, I talked about him with my friends and we both know that. We both find eachother very attractive. We were on the same party, he didn't know I was there until he came (I don't usually hang with that friedgroup). His face dropped, he couldn't look me in the eyes. While I was talking with the other guy (I had to, we were filming something) he just stood there and stared. When I looked at him, he quickly looked away. That happened many times that night. I cought him looking again but he didn't notice that I'd seen him. He raised his eyebrows, sighed and shook his head looking at the other side like he regrets something. You had to be there to see it, I can't describe it. It was a look that everyone interpreted as: I had one chance to get her and I fucked up, now she's hanging out with all my friends and I can't even look her in the eyes. Also, before he came and before he knew I was there, he asked everyone to go out after filming. He was the only one that went home after. Looking for your opinions, thanks!