Bisexual Teens

r/BisexualTeens148.8K subscribers14 active
Yall, please don't :mod_green: Mod Post

Y'all please don't post about being banned from other subs that you were trolling on and please don't post about purposely go troll on subs. Cuz 1, it's against reddits TOS and 2, (the main reason i care) is cuz if you do, especially if multiple of y'all do, people from that sub will do it here. Even if they're a super sucky sub, don't post about it here. Thanks.

Pinnedby bunnyfunny2355ModeratorMod :mod_green:
I never really owned any pride related stuff until recently.:story: Story

Went into Walmart and saw that 75% off pride month stuff. I now have like 2 flags, 3 vinyl stickers, thigh highs, leggings, hat, even fucking napkins. For 8 bucks, we ballin lol

by Amateur-FemboyFemboy >:3
How many of you are the therapist friends?:talk: Discussion

Look I know a lot of you need therapy but I just want to ask if there where those who like giving advice to help others

im so fuckin lonelynsfw:warning-less-serious: Mild NSFW

theres like zero homosexual people where i live its insane
also basically no one interacts with me so im stuck being alone
oh well ill try again next year idk

by Sapo_Magooraging bisexual
Did I help start this trend on here with the fictional crushes:story: Story

Like I saw someone else do it but jokingly and then I did it with like actual fictional characters i wass attracted to. And then that post got more attraction then I'd normally get and now I see in hot posts like 3 more kinda doing what I did so was there someone before me or did I help start that.😭

Maybe I am:AdviceNeeded: Advice Needed

I have a question, because I am kinda confused. Thing is....I have a GF. I love her and I want to stay with her forever. But at the same time I want to have cute small femboy boyfriend and to be in polygamy with my GF and a Femboy BF.

May i be BI or did just internet femboys and memes ruined me? 😅

What’s your guys thoughts on the legendary Godzilla movies?:talk: Discussion

I love them and think they're the best movie series in a long time

by Odd-Time3916po/ta/to and bisexual (gender fluid)
Need adviceNSFW topic or mentionings

Basically, I have only had crushes and been sexually attracted to boys, but recently I have been sexually attracted to girls, and I don't know what to think. I'm confused. I have only thought about being in a relationship with a boy, but I don't know if I would ever be with a girl. I'm confused. I’m totally lost and don’t know what I like now. Does anyone have any advice, please?

by TSAODHe/Him
Questioning my sexuality:AdviceNeeded: Advice Needed

Heyyyy y'all, I've been questioning my sexuality on and off for about a year now and I can't come to a conclusion, so I thought to ask here for some advice.

I (17m) have never really had a crush irl but I definitely had a few crushes on fictional characters( especially anime characters) mainly male. I really find these characters to be attractive and wouldn't mind being in a relationship with them. (I even had some dreams about being intimate with them xd). The issue is that I don't know if that translates into attraction towards real people or if it's something else. Irl I've never really had a desire to be in a relationship with anyone or wanted to be intimate with somebody but if I had to choose I would say that I have met more woman that I've found attractive than men but maybe I just haven't met the right guy.

I really don't know if I am straight, bi or maybe even some sort of asexual. Feel free to ask any questions.

Any advice is appreciated! :)

Am I developing eating disorder? [TW:ED]nsfw:warning-serious: Sensitive Content (Trigger Warning)

So I recently started living alone for 2 months and I cook by myself. I can cook some food which is enough but I started to lower my meals. I skip dinner or lunch. I don't really feel hungry but I started considering only having breakfast and a snack. I just dont like eating that much and Don't starve myself. So I'm wondering if this would become an issue?

by yolooo0oHe/Him
Help:talk: Discussion

So my mom just got me the deadpool and wolverine heart necklace if you know what I'm talking about and I want to give it to one of my best friends but idk which I have one best friend that we've known since primary/elementary but if I give it to him then I'll feel bad cause I didn't give one to my other but if I did give it to him then I would feel bad for my best friend that I've known since primary/elementary so idk who should I give it to

Questioning sexualitynsfw:AdviceNeeded: Advice Needed

hi, I'm a girl, and I've been on and off questioning myself since around 2020, I'm trying to find out if I'm just straight or if I'm bi.

I didn't have what i know as a "crush" until the start of 7th grade. All my crushes just seem more like obsession/infatuation to me. My first crush was a on a boy and it only lasted a week, all "crushes" I've had were on boys and I'm not sure If they were even crushes at all because all but one lasted for a week, besides one that was on and off over the span of a year and a half.

I've also dated boys but I don't know if I was actually all that attracted to them? maybe I just loved them like a friend since I've only been friends with very few boys? I also seem to mix up my enjoyment of attention from guys as being attracted to them or having a crush, and I also don't think I was old enough to actually love them yet

From 4th-5th grade to now, I've had what I thought were crushes on girls, but after a while, i thought otherwise and that they were just a really good friend. I'm not sure if I can call my attraction towards women actual attraction because it doesn't feel as strong as my attraction for men, but something that's always tripped me up is when I'm told that if I can imagine myself with a man and women then I must be bi, but people can imagine intrusive thoughts so it's like obviously I can imagine something like being with women If I can imagine messed up things, it confuses me and doesn't help much.

Another thing is that for the past while since I've last questioned myself I've only thought of romantic situations with men, except for a recent friend break up I had where I was very close to this girl who became toxic, we were never romantic towards eachother because she had a boyfriend, but there were instances that were a bit maybe not so platonic where ive thought about her a lot since then. (It might just be my form of grieving our friendship, but I can't tell)

Like this time where we were hugging and she buried her head in my neck and her nose or smth grazed me skin and it made me shiver and like I just melted, don't know if I liked that or if it was just me behind touch starved lol, there was other stuff too but that's the one I think about a lot, we were a physical touch type friendship and she always made jokes about us being lesbians or girlfriends.

There was also this girl I was friends with when I was in 5th/6th grade maybe and we texted everyday, I thought I had a crush on her and I'd be kinda flirty and send her romantic songs and stuff, we'd send hearts and even call eachother nicknames and stuff like love and baby (I think) but I don't know if I acted like this just because I knew she had a crush on me at the time, ik it's kinda cruel but maybe I was just stringing her along to get the romantic attention I don't usually get

Another thing is that I can't tell whether my "attraction" to girls is me actually being attracted or me just wanting to look like them

This one is kinda NSFW >! Sometimes I'll watch like yk those videos and I never look at the guys and they seen rather unappealing, I'm always looking at the girl, but maybe its just because I'm imagining it's me or something.. sorry if that's kinda tmi, I also never watch girl on girl or guy on guy, so 😓!<

There was this other girl that I was close with who I cared about a lot, had nicknames like baby and we'd exchange "I love you"s to eachother (like all the other girls mentioned except for the first) and would text every day, to this day I still think this girl is attractive even if all of these girls were toxic and hurt me

I can imagine myself marrying women and men, I can only usually imagine myself sexually with men but I think I'd be more comfortable with women, I like more feminine men, I've never had a crush on a girl (I don't think) but I have had a crush on guys, i want my first kiss to be a girl even though i don't know if I'm attracted to girls just because girls feel more safe and comfortable, I feel like I'm not bi but I can't tell at all, all signs point towards straight but i always come back to questioning, I just want to hear what this sounds like to others

Sorry for the very long post, I wanted to provide as much information as I could. I just want some pointers and perspective from others😭

who are your celebrity crushes?:talk: Discussion

i’ve noticed in the bisexual community SO many of us have millions of celeb crushes compared to straight people who generally only have a couple 😭😭

i wanna know who the most popular celebrity is with bisexual teenagers yall answer!!