i don’t usually post on reddit but here we go because i have no where else to put this rant that’s been in my head since HMHAS came out lmao

the SECOND i heard birds of a feather, i was like “oh the tiktok girlies are going to be CONFUSED about this one” and i think i was right

on social media i have seen the chorus being used to show how in love someone is with their partner/friend/dog/etc. which is all cute and i know it’s not this deep but THEYRE USING THE SONG WRONG?

let’s recap: she uses a theramin (notoriously foreboding instrument) and plays the backing instrumentation a quarter tone below the actual melody to make the whole thing feel Slightly Wrong™️ and we’re supposed to believe this relationship is healthy and good?

quote the song:

“i want you to stay… til i’m in the casket YOU carry”, he bears responsibility for her BEING in the casket.

“and if i’m turning blue please don’t save me, nothing left to lose without my baby”, the all-or-nothing thinking gives me throwbacks to college dear god

“say you wanna quit, don’t be stupid” yikes

this song is a haunting and beautiful and sounds like it could be sung by queen miss gabriella montez, but it’s also FOREBODING AS SHIT and i don’t understand why people are comparing their beautiful and loving relationships to it!!