I mean the title is the question - but for context and a bit more detail: I just bought a Specialised rock hopper and I want to slowly but surely build it up as an offroad bickpacking fun weekend friend. I have a v.(v.) limited budget and am just starting out with doing up a bike (I have a little basic bike nouse but all from my 90's road bike).

I would like to ride alt bars, with a big sweep preferably and am looing for recs. I would LOVE to try ron's ortho bars or magic's mothbars or something... but they are like 5x my budget...

I know this is a daft question - but where would we be without daft questions and I guess its a place to start discussion from: is there a reason I couldn't put on a set of ebay special alloy north roads? Is it beacuse they would break? I know alu will be my friend compliance wise with the rigid frame.

How do you know if bars are strong enough? I wont be doing jumps or very technical rocky trails (I dont expect) I

Ok enough of that - any favorite cheap alt bars and sneaky tricks please! thanks!