I think the people of the United states, by and large, have historically believed the United States to be a morally good country, and a Force for good in the world. This has never been true, but boy did they ever believe it. Hopefully the events of this decade so far will have proved sufficient to teach them the truth. The US is fucking evil. It's government is evil. It's people are diverse, but as a majority have been permissive of evil acts when it has benefited them, or even when it just hasn't inconvenienced them, and we are facing everyday more harm that results from our own behavior but hurts everyone in the world.

The United States is evil. Full fucking stop.

Which means, if you think about it, us history class is just the first episode of behind the bastards you ever heard. It's a whole semester long episode though, and the host in it is shit and you are the guest.

I prefer Robert, though Mr McGraw and Miss Canavan weren't too bad, all things considered.

Edit: It is the wealthiest country in the world, with the most nukes. It was built on genocide using slavery and it continues to be a super powerful murder machine. Hitler was trying to copy the US! From Karl May to living space he used North America as his model!

I'm getting accused of overselling it like a naive child. But I've lived in Argentina which is one of the most victimized in South America by the IMF. Do you know what the US has done/continues to do to South America?

I went to grad school for political science where I learned the Machiavellian philosophy behind neoliberaism, and I've worked with people inside and outside of the prison system for the last twenty years as a career, so I know what it is better than most.

If anything I'm underselling how evil the US is

And yes I've read A People's History. And so much more.

Why is it that when people (primarily men in my experience) hear a statement they can only try to imagine why their own thoughts are superior, even if they agree with its underpinning idea? Latent patriarchal insecurities maybe?

Or do you think the US isn't the biggest contributer to climate change, weapons of mass destruction, global war, and white supremacy?

A lot of people tripped on the joke about how American history is a long episode of behind the bastards. His did that confuse so many? Honestly? Maybe examine yourselves for possible patriotic reflexes.