Lately my (44m) wife (40f) has been struggling with the physical aspects of getting older, in particular feeling like she is “looking old” in pictures, in the mirror, etc. I try to build up her confidence and let her know that I think she’s still hot (she is!) but I sense it’s becoming more pervasive in her thinking.

The thing is, we are all getting older, and we don’t look the same as we did when we were 24. Although it’s natural, I feel like it’s doing a number in her confidence. I try to give her compliments often to try to build her up, in particular when she’s undressed, and during sex, to give her that kind of reassurance. But I feel like she thinks I’m doing it out of obligation.

One thing I’ve started doing is taking photos of her when I think she’s looking particularly sexy, and sending them to her, as “proof.” This has helped a little! But overall I want to help her feel better about all of this, since we will obviously be aging for the rest of our lives.

Any advice would be helpful.