I believe this community is one of the less toxic ones of people with like minded approaches on life. I am asking for some advice:

My mind feels like it moves thousands of mph and always has, even when I sleep I immediately enter a different realm then just wake up back here (7-9 hours sleep all the time). My mind over the past couple of years has turned into an over reactive car alarm. Things that I used to do with zero issue at all of a sudden can make my mind (by way of thoughts) panic, in turn making my physical body anxious or in "fight or flight mode". I understand it is a bunch of "what if's" that are unnecessary. (Examples: driving on highway, being sick, airplanes, being in dense populated spots- never had an issue prior).

I also understand I have gotten much better at managing this and being mindful, (alongside taking supplements I may have been deficient in, and things that help such as lavender and magnesium), exercise, meditation, etc. Maybe I was always like this, but was on auto pilot and did not recognize. Still, there are some days where the alarm is too strong and I relapse, it can be exhausting

What advice you have if any is much appreciated. Is there any spiritual aspect to all of this?