I’m 33m and have been living alone (for the most part as I had a partner for a few years) for about 6 or 7 years now. I don’t like having a landlord, living somewhere that isn’t mine. I struggle with keeping the place tidy and my landlord has just unexpectedly shown up without any confirmation that he was coming. I’m in high anxiety mode right now. I didn’t answer, pretended I wasn’t here, but I heard him outside leaving a voicemail which I never got, I didn’t hear exactly what he said and I hate phone calls, I said before I moved in that I prefer written communication mostly like emails or texts. I received a call from him yesterday but ignored it and waited for a voicemail or a text or an email but none of them came, but he just showed up today, I don’t think that’s legal here but it doesn’t matter, even if it was illegal that would be too much stress on me to do anything about it. I can’t live like this anymore and I’m afraid I just can’t live at all.

I guess I’m gonna have to call this afternoon at some point, but I really don’t want to. I don’t like living like this, I honestly think I’d rather be homeless because then I’m not living to someone else’s standards and expectations. I’m starting to seriously consider walking out or maybe something more drastic. I’m exhausted from living this life that I don’t want. I’m alone. I feel close to no one. I’m “high functioning” so I’m in a weird place where I need help to live but not like some full time carer or anything, I’m completely invisible.

This is on top of the fact I feel so useless anyway. I feel like I’m in Gods waiting room, every day, pointless living, fueling myself for no clear reason, waking up to look forward to going to bed again so I can slip into some dreams where I forget who I am. But I don’t know, I’m struggling atm, I see my future and I’m just trying to buckle up my seat belt and remain calm and passive for the rest of my “life” looping around this same road until it collapses and pulls me down with it, continuing this journey alone, everyone I meet is either a passing car or a voice on the radio. I had one passenger but she’s gone now. I can’t see the point. I wanna slip off the road unnoticed and quietly. This is not my world, not my life, none of this has anything to do with me. I need to get out.