
05/16/2024 found a cat outside my house. seems very sweet and their fur is soft and seems well groomed, if a little dirty. seems like a house cat that might be lost, as they keep trying to get in my house! no tag or collar though! i don’t have a place to put kitty tonight (can’t tell if it’s a boy or a girl)

unfortunately my dog scared it and it ran around my house and under a neighbor’s foundation. let me know if this cat is yours and if you’ve been looking for it! kitty ate 2 cans of wet food and is clearly missing home

update 05/17/2024: kitty was back tonight. set out another can of wet food but he seemed much more skittish and hesitant to take it from me. ate a couple bites and then ran and hid. if no one claims him by Monday i’m going to try and trap him and then call the humane society