Hi everyone! I'm in need of advice. I've been an atheist since I was in my teenage years. My entire family is Catholic and I respect their believes (even when they don't respect mine and are always pushy about their religion). I have a son with a man who, when I met him, he was an atheist as well, however, from a year or so to now, he became an Evangelist. He says he believes in god and preaches the word.

We have been separated since our sone was one, yet he always kept in touch and my son spends time with him, although not so often. This last time around, my son stayed at his house for about 2 weeks, and apparently they took him to church.

He also told my son all sort of things about his god, even when we agreed, years ago when he still was an atheist, that we were going to wait for our son to be older so he could learn about all kinds of religions and his options, so he could CONSCIOUSLY CHOSE whatever he wants to believe in.

I, of course, will respect whatever my son choses, however, since he is only 7, I don't think he is ready to learn about all the different religions out there, and I don't think it's good to expose him to religion directly, either (like going to church, praying and such).

I don't know how to handle this, since I am very very upset right now, so I come here to ask from more experienced parents how I could handle a situation like this one.

Thank you in advance.