I am truly not surprised by what Butker said, shocked- yes- but not necessarily surprised, because as an ex-cath this is exactly what the church teaches.

In the Catholic Church, women don't have a voice but are just merely an afterthought, and AT BEST a vehicle for producing children: they can't hold any meaningful leadership roles in the church like being a priest or bishop (at least, not ones where they would have authority over a man), they are to be responsible for the sexual thoughts of OTHER MEN because we are called to not cause our brothers to "stumble" or to be a "stumbling block" so therefore they have to dress modestly so the men don't get boners when they see them, they cannot use any birth control of any kind because that's "playing God" and "God is the author of all life" so therefore they are taking life out of Gods hand and putting it into their own hand, and their main purpose and aspirations assigned to them by God are to be submissive to their husbands as their husbands are submissive to the Church and to just be baby-popping homemakers. Oh, and by the way they are reminded that they are responsible for the fall of all humanity because however-many-years-ago Eve ate an apple from a talking snake and what-not (we all know how the story goes by now). This is what gets taught in the Catholic Church. It's disturbingly misogynistic.

Oh, and the ONLY woman that they look up to is a child an adolescent teenager (and that's me being kind to Mary, she probably would've been a tween when it all happened) whose ONLY notable quality that she is praised for in the RCC is for being a virgin- not for being strong, or intelligent, or courageous, or hard-working, or anything else- to which her "perpetual virginity" is the only notable thing that the church cares about enough to the point where it's a key part of Catholic Church dogma, out of ALL the other qualities she could've possibly possessed that she could've been praised for. Nope, it's JUST her virginity. Gross.

You don't have autonomy when you're a Catholic, it's not what you want- it's never about you- it's only about what the church wants and does it go against the church. It's not what you want, it's what God wants.