[EDIT: That's all the time that we have for today. Thank you for all the thoughtful questions and responses — and to r/atheism for hosting us!]

I’m Holly Meyer, the AP’s religion news editor, and my team just published a global look at the “nones” — those who identify as atheist, agnostic or nothing in particular. I’m here with journalists and experts from The Conversation and Religion News Service to talk about the project and how we report on the nones.

Who is here:

  • The Conversation’s religion and ethics editors Kalpana Jane and Molly Jackson. They also have published recent pieces about the nones, like this one by Morgan Shipley. He studies alternative spiritualities like psychedelic churches. Morgan is here, too.
  • Religion News Service leaders Paul O’Donnell and Roxanne Stone, as well as senior reporter Bob Smietana. Their news outlet has documented the rise of the "nones" for decades.
  • AP religion news director David Crary, who was instrumental in the AP’s global "nones" project.

PROOF: https://x.com/HollyAMeyer/status/1711795094674633200?s=20  + https://x.com/fogliospiritual/status/1712128587166531671?s=20