I haven’t been in the loop with all the current transits, however I am aware that there are significant ones happening in the month of May. I also haven’t thoroughly studied their birth charts, so I will refrain from “predictions”. I bring this up as I think it’s actually a great case study for astrology practice. I’m not a practicing astrologer but I study it.

Although we don’t really know their birth times, here are some of my personal observations: - it seems that the battle between the two escalated after the most recent Jupiter-Uranus transit. - Kendrick Lamar’s chart is interesting because his chart just screams, “the pen is mightier than the sword”: 9th house stellium, which includes mars and mercury in cancer and Gemini sun, the house of publishing, higher education, I always think of oration in the image of MLK, very Jupiter. If I didn’t know who he was, if I had straight up read this chart, I would have described him as someone who can masterfully use his knowledge to piece together words in a way he could paint the power of emotions. - Kendrick is a libra rising, meaning he’s Venus ruled. His Venus sits in the 8th house (which is Scorpio’s house) in Gemini. It’s also interesting to note that his Pluto is in Scorpio in the first house, so I feel perhaps it’s in his power to transform himself when the time arises & has access to all that 8th house stuff whenever. - Kendrick is a Gemini Sun, Libra Rising, and Pisces moon, Drake didn’t have a chance imo - Kendrick has Saturn in Pisces transiting his 5th house, where his Moon sits. Basically, Saturn is saying, “hey, let’s turn the creativity on to overdrive b/c it’s time. No time to fuck around and find out, let’s get creative. and while your at it we’re gonna make sure your mind is churning one every second”.

-Drake is a Leo rising, Scorpio Sun, Cancer moon. But his rising sign is at the late degree and borders between Virgo and Leo. Sun ruled, Sun is in the 3rd house. - Drake has both 3rd and 4th house stellium - his Saturn is transiting the 7th house, which asks him to prioritize and find the”right partners” - business, romantic etc

Anyway, let me know if you have more insight!