I've seen a lot of stories of parents of trans people that feel like they are losing their child. And the are grieving their son/daughter.

I (semi) recently came out to my parents and although they are supportive and they definitely want what's best for their child. They seem to have this same way of thinking. My mom told me that she's scared of me changing because she likes who I am right now, and she doesn't want to lose her son. I explained to her that I don't like who I am right now at all, but I'm not sure if that really did anything for her.

I have just never understood parents saying they are grieving or losing their son/daughter. Like, I am not becoming a different person, I'm just becoming my true self. I'm becoming me, but happier. I'm becoming who I was always meant to be. Can someone explain this way of thinking to me so that maybe I don't feel so bad and dysphoric about my parents thinking and saying these things?