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Pinnedby WisdomWhimsyModeratorGeneral Dentist
Where does all the consumables waste go?question

I'm not facing any dentist-related issues but want to ask a question out of curiosity. Hope that's ok since the sidebar doesn't have any rules regarding general questions.

So I was at a dentist's office today since my wife's crown needed some repair. I noticed that they used brand new consumables for everything like clippers, that tool with a mirror and all the other metallic instruments that they use (sorry I don't know the technical names of the instruments).

That got me wondering, where does all the waste go? All the dentists in the world combined must be using tons of of these instruments everyday if they use a fresh one for each patient? I'm assuming there must be some sort of recycling involved but want to hear from an actual dentist.

front chipped twice, fixed twice with bonding and failed asap both timesquestion

One of my front teeth had a 1-2 cm chip ~2 weeks ago. I got it fixed with a bonding/resin but within 3-4 days it came off/broke. I scheduled another appointment last tuesday where he put in a stronger bonding but that came off within 2-3 days as well. When I asked him about things not to do / eat, he said nothing to worry about.

Quesitons: 1. Is this an issue of not strong enough bonding? 2. Should I avoid eating with my front teeth from now on? I wasn't given much guidelines on what to do or avoid so I assumed to continue eating with my front teeth like normal.

Suggestion for teeth whitening question

I have a disablity called hemophelia B which means i have diifeciency of factor IX which helps in cloting of blood. 2 years ago my hand start hurting due to hemophelia it took my body 7 month to repair because i was in village area where treatment wasn't available.After that time my teeth got extremely yellow because i brushed 2 times in those 7 month now i am trying to whiten my teeth.I used a whitening toothpaste colgate visible white but it didnt worked out.

Teeth sensitive after fillings, looking for possible causesquestion


Hope everyone is doing well.

I would like some advices regarding an issue I face. I have had 3 teeth done by a dentist over the past year, and all of them are sensible to the point that I can not floss.

For some context, a year ago I had the left top wisdom tooth's filling re done, the dentist also found a cavity in between the wisdom and the last molar. Cavity was treated with a filling. It is now sensitive when I floss and eat. Dentist did a scan a month ago, apparently all looks good.

About a month ago, I had the left bottom wisdom tooth's filling re done. Had no issue with the filling before but looked like a cavity started to re-appear. At the same time, dentist found a small cavity 2 molar before. Decided to fill it at the same time, now both teeth are sensitive.

I have been using Sensodyn for 2 weeks now, I have a bit of a relief but can not eat on the left side at all. I would like to mention that the wisdom tooth's filling may be a bit high, so that could be corrected, however the other molar is sensitive when I floss and cold too.

I would like to add a last thing, about 2 years ago I went for the first time to this dentist because of a strange sensation on a left top molar. She re done the filling, which stay sensitive then turned into a tooth ache and eventually root canal treatment 6 months later. Since the tooth was already sensitive, I can't really say if it is a coincidence or not. But I remember posting the scan of that filling here, are people saying the the filling was very close to the root but done very very well.

Right, so now comes the questions:

-These fillings are (I believe) composite. I think I have always had composite and never had an issue before. So I would like to rule out that possibility, except if there is maybe other type of filling that this dentist could be different than I ever had before?

-Would it be possible that the fillings would be done wrong, and therefore be corrected?

-At last, and I hope this is not the case, could it be possible that my dentist have a tendency of drilling too deep? If it is the case, I guess there is no remedy other that root canal treatment for this issue? The dentist is an endodontist, and works with a microscope. One of the most pro dentist I've had I think

My biggest fear right now is that it turn into another tooth ache like I had 2 years ago.

Thank you

I need to get into the habit of brushingquestion

I’m a 14 yo and I wanna try and get a schedule of brushing. I never had a real habit of brushing and my teeth are beginning to look a tiny bit yellow and I got a crowding problem. Any tips on how to get a good habit of brushing/cleaning teeth? Should I brush, mouthwash or floss after every meal, should I use some sort of whitening/cleaning toothpaste or something more health related and should I try braces?

vomiting from hangover caused roof of mouth to hurt question

on the fourth of july i had a bit too much to drink and the next morning i was profusely vomiting- at least 7 times. it was all liquid i was puking up because i didn’t really eat much the day prior, just alcohol and fluids. now since thursday the roof of my mouth has been almost excruciating. i can’t really eat or drink without it feeling sore. there’s no abrasions or anything on the roof of my mouth so im confused. anyone know what this could be or any remedies i can use?

Apical Root Resorptionquestion

Asking as a hygienist wanting perspective from a dentist, how do you handle a patient with generalized severe root resorption? Many areas affected. Has been a patient of record for 4-5 years at current office, not quite due for a new FMX but was reviewing previous one on file and holy cow so much resorption. I know I need to focus on home care but is there anything else we should be doing? I can bring it up during exam with my dentist but I’m not sure the dentist will say much, no offense to her but she’s quiet and usually only advises fillings and crowns. Should patient be referred somewhere? I feel so bad for this particular patient dentally they are a mess, big open bite even after braces when younger. I doubt ortho again is a good idea with the amount of resorption everywhere.

Wisdom tooth extraction site hurts after 1 year question

I'm 22F. I had very speed recovery but every now and then I still feel the pain in my extraction site next to my ear. I also had sinus rupture so wondering if that was connected to the pain?

How safe are dental CT scans?question

I’ve had to have a fair number of x-rays on one tooth (so far one panoramic and probably near 10 regular) and now need a dental CT scan. I am very nervous, as I have had them all in a short period of time.

Am I overreacting?

food stuck in wisdom teeth extraction sites causing irritation (6 days post op). what do i do? question

so i got two of my bottom wisdom teeth out around 5-6 days ago. i’ve been on a soft food diet since then. around a few days ago i noticed that there’s white stuff around my stitches and extraction sites, but i thought maybe it was just healing tissue? but eventually i realised it may be food stuck there. i’ve been using the antiseptic oral rinse, warm water rinses, and also have been taking the meds given to me (antibiotics etc), but the food is just… stuck there. i dont dare to brush the area or pick at it. the right side is kinda sore and red around the area with the white stuff. what should i do?!

Is this normal with an antibiotic? (Pain)question

The antibiotic is working, each day the pain is getting lesser. It’s almost completely gone.

However, after taking my antibiotics for abt an hour or two the pain gets a bit worse, not horrible but noticeable.

Is this normal or should I be concerned?

Two more RCT on molarsquestion

Is it normal to have so many root canals at 22. I had one last year. I am getting two next week. I don't smoke or drink soda.
