24M, currently in Uni and doing Financial Advisor as well as a side gig. Honestly not doing well as an FA, can’t get over myself to sell any ILPs or hard sell any products even if i truly believe that’s what they need or should have (even hospital plans) maybe i’m just bad at sales but that’s besides the point. I’m barely pulling an income and my partner and I will be trying for october bto. I understand the upside of the industry but would it be better to quit and get a part time job while still studying instead so that i could save up for the upcoming expense. Also, not doing well in my studies as well HAHA i guess life just isn’t great and looking for some advice, any would be great, if yall wanna flame me also just go ahead

edit: thanks for all the comments whether positive or negative, each one of you made an impact on me now and me moving forward :))