Hi everyone, I recently just found out from my dad that he has been investing into a bond fund with Great Eastern back in 2021.The policy name is "PRESTIGE LIFE REWARDS 3" which has been discontinued now. If I am not wrong, the policy essentially locks in your initial premium payment and promises to provide monthly payouts for a lifetime at a fixed interest rate. In my case Dad's case, it was a 300K payment at a fixed rate of 2.8%.

Basically the FA, lets name her J, managed to convince my dad who is illiterate in finance into believing that the rates back in 2021 was high, when covid was still rampant and there was plenty of fear/uncertainty. Additionally, J also advised my dad to get a loan from a bank and even personally went with him to help him borrow more than his default credit limit (around 216K) to invest in the fund.

So far my Dad has received 0 payouts due to the 3-year lock in policy and has been stuck paying back the bank at the increased interest rates. When my dad confronted J about it, J mentioned that she didn't know better that rates back in 2021 would rise and that she was also personally invested into the fund which I think is bullshit.

I am genuinely devastated and don't know what to do in this situation as my family does not earn much and the interest paid back to the bank is bleeding us. I appreciate any help given and thank you in advance.