Is it worth going to a Psychiatrist?

I’ve recently suspected that I have adhd so I booked an appointment with a psychiatrist for a diagnosis. Main symptoms i’ve observed are “time blindness”, executive dysfunction, zoning out during conversations, non-stop fidgeting, unable to meet deadlines, forgetfulness, depressive symptoms, hyperfixation on new hobbies every week, easily overstimulated. However, there are some things like waiting in line and following instructions which I can do, and I’m not very impulsive. I’ve looked at the DSM-5 symptoms and I have enough symptoms to be concerned about. However I’m a bit hesitant about this appointment because it costs a whopping $320. What if I can’t prove that I’ve had these traits since I was a child? My memory isn’t very good, and my relationship with my parents isn’t very close either, so they don’t know me well. Or what if I’m perfectly fine without any mental health conditions? Would this all just be a waste of money then? Should I still go?

update: i went and was diagnosed with adhd (inattention)! thank you everyone for all your encouragement and support, it feels really nice having such a warm community that understands my struggles. for anyone wondering/in the same predicament as me, here’s my journey leading up to my diagnosis: i always felt much more emotional than most people, experienced very poor mental health from late childhood to late teens. always thought it was depression or anxiety but never had the courage or the means to get it checked out. fast forward to this year, i found myself relating a little too much to adhd related tiktoks and memes so i did a few online quizzes to confirm my symptoms. then i did some deep dives on reddit and looked at the official dsm-5 for further confirmation. after knowing how adhd presents itself i began to be more aware of my symptoms and realised i displayed many of them in my daily life without even knowing i did so. i went to a private psychiatrist at raffles hospital because i am A) above the age of 12, B) female, C) not too close with my parents so i had a higher chance of being dismissed by healthcare professionals at polyclinics/imh. being diagnosed was such a liberating experience. i was prescribed vyvanse and ritalin and i’m trying them out now. if you have had the same suspicions as me please please get it checked out if you have the means to. don’t diminish your symptoms just because the basis of your suspicion was tiktok/social media. it’s also okay to see a psychiatrist/psychologist even if you have no known mental health issues, we all deserve to get the help we need :)