Today at Sabiha airport near the passport control a misunderstanding happened between the Turkish police custom and a Saudi tourist, where the Turkish police guy was talking in Turkish to an Arab and the Arab replying in English they went into a misunderstanding, the Saudi guy told him “i asked you a question and I want a reply” in a way which provoked the police guy making him throw 2 Saudi passports in front of hundred of people and told them to fck off in Turkish “Defol” the man was with his wife, she knew a bit Turkish she told him “sen defol” you fck off which made him come out of his place and pushed the man while shouting at him and his family. They were at least 6-7 people. They took the guy and his wife away while his family are waiting on the other side. I got a question in a country full with tourists can’t they at least hire English speaking Turks or at least a Turk who got manners? Because I’ve been to Turkey at least 6 times and their attitude towards tourists is the worst, they forget that tourists are the ones at least push their economy up a bit….. What’s your opinion Reddit?