As an apprentice (okay a baby, let's be honest) witch, I've been reading-up on casting circles and manifesting and I'd like to ask if I should cast a circle before my manifesting ritual? I have a ritual planned for the full moon with a candle, a crystal or two, moon water from Samhain and my intention written kind of as a poem which I will recite. Does all of this taken together make it more of a, IDK, spell than just manifesting and so do I need a circle for protection?

My thought is that if I'm manifesting I should allow myself to be as open as possible, so no circle. But on the other hand, if all of my ritual steps taken together make this more of a spell/ritual (not really sure what to call it), then maybe I do need to cast a circle?

(I did my first ever spell, a releasing one, on Samhain with a black candle and a smoky quartz crystal and it went really well -- I feel so less burdened now -- but I was physically drained for days afterwards, taking multiple naps per day. I guess the spell did that?)

Thanks everyone in advance for your help!