This is a random and minor thing, not a huge deal at all, but it has me curious how even on Wikipedia now most pages reiterate many times how sources A, B, and C are biased and may not be entirely accurate. shit? We've always known sources have biases to various degrees, human nature and all of that. Of course there are going to be biases we have to control for, be it Caesar's Gallic writings or Tacitus or whoever. It seems now it's a requirement to state this as part of any post. I bet not a single person on this sub was unaware of bias being a thing yet it bears repeating to infinity and beyond.

It has become so over-emphasized to the point that many people simply spin their wheels about how nothing in the sources can be trusted and everything can be questioned to such a degree that they end up saying nothing at all. This doesn't make you sound enlightened. It makes you a milksop. The most important part of historiography is acknowledging biases exist but still being able to wade through said bias and form a rational opinion about the truth of what happened.

This post was inspired by a pro-Caligula post that argued he was actually a decent guy all his life and was just the victim of a PR-smear campaign by writers with evil, unforgivable bias. The horror!