Ancient Egypt

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Instructions of Merikare TranslationQuestion

Hello all,

Does anyone know where I can find a english translation of the Instructions of Merikare? Willing to purchase it.

Looking for Lat/Long for a locationQuestion

I was listening to a podcast about the tomb of the three princesses (19th dynasty) and they mentioned Wadi Gabbanat el-Qurud. on Wikipedia, they mention that location as "SW of the valley of the kings" but can anyone provide lat/long?

90's book that had a picture of a sarcophagus that you could uncover and see a mummy in it (lift-the-flap book)?Information


I realize this is a longshot, but I've been reading up on Ancient Egypt a lot and some childhood memories unlocked about a certain book (for kids, presumably) that I had in mid/late 90s, that I can't seem to find on the internet now.

It was either about Ancient Egypt as a whole, or ancient civilizations, mummies... all I do remember is, it had a little picture of a sarcophagus "glued"/attached in a corner of a page; you could grab the sarcophagus (it was a paper cut-out) with your fingertips and open it to reveal a mummy behind it. The mummy was printed on the original page of the book. According to Google, this is called a "lift-the-flap" type of a book.

I realize it is not much to go on, but if anyone maybe remembers this book, I'd appreciate the help! If not, thanks anyway!

Have a good one.

What was the deal between Semerkhet and Adjib?Question

I've heard multiple theories surrounding the relationship/history between Adjib and Semerkhet in the First Dynasty.

For one, Adjib had a "shabby" tomb at Abydos, while Semerkhet had a grandiose tomb (Maybe one was just a better king; but there's also the evidence of there being a "disaster" during Semerkhet's reign). There's also evidence that Semerkhet chipped away the name of Adjib from various monuments. Historians seem to argue over whether Semerkhet was Adjib's son, a usurper/assassin that became king, or if he just hated Adjib/wanted to erase his predecessor's past.

Anyways, I've heard so many theories and I'm not sure what to believe. It seems like every book/website that I've read has a different theory. Is there a definitive theory, or one that is most accepted?

Thanks in advance.

Who is rowing Ra's Solar Barque?Question

I have seen many depictions of the solar boat and often they feature Ra together with other deities, but usually nobody is seen actually rowing the boat. Horus is to steer the boat, but are there any mentions or pictures of the rower?

Looking for books!Information

Hi! Does anyone have any good book recommendations for new but enthusiastic ancient Egypt lovers? I’m not massively academic so not really looking for like published articles but more something where I can learn about the culture and maybe start to understand the different styles of art and what kind of stories they are portraying? Thanks:)

Could the Pharao be denied entry to the realm of the dead?Question

Since the pharao would have a different journey to the afterlife than the normal people, and would not have to get his heart weighed against the feather of truth, and justify himself because he was understood as embodiement of justice, is it even possible for a pharao to be denied access to the afterlife, because of wrong doings?
What about people like Akhenaton who tried to get rid of the old religion?
What did the egyptians think about his fate, did they believe that Akhenaton still went to duat becuase he was a pharao, or that he commited grave sins against the gods so that he was eaten by Ammit?

Pyramid paintingArt

I would like to paint a picture of the pyramids, or something else from ancient Egypt and wanted to see if anyone had any historically accurate images before I went down the rabbit hole of ufos hovering over the pyramids and stuff.

by FeedNo3336𓂀
Does anyone here know what a Zerit bird is?Information

In Philip Glass's opera Akhnaten, the libretto contains the line: "This King flies away from you, ye mortals. He is not of the Earth. He is of the Sky. He flaps his wings like a Zerit Bird."

Searching for the phrase "Zerit bird" only returns results for Egyptian birds in general. "Zerit", for me, only returns results for an HIV antiviral (I'm assuming it's unrelated) or for the libretto itself. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!!