I recently have gotten a pay rise at work and will be getting another one in six months. This means I can save a lot more than I previously was. The tv I currently have is starting to decline in performance since I've had it quite a while.

I decided to start looking at new tvs and found a nice OLED tv that I liked the look of. I thought it would be nice to treat myself but also acknowledged it was quite expensive so I decided to wait until towards the end of the year when it is black Friday.

This allows me to save up for it. The tv is currently £2000 and last year went to £1500 during black friday so is likely to go even lower this year. I told my girlfriend what I was planning and she got annoyed. She said I was planning to waste my money but I just pointed out that I could afford it.

She said it would take a large chunk of my savings but it would going to take 45% of my savings currently so it will be an even lower percentage when it gets to November as I will be saving £500 a month and it will likely be cheaper when I buy it.

She just said it shows I'm not serious about us that I'd spend that much on a tv but I just reiterated that it's affordable and that I should be able to spend my money as I wish but she just said I should be listening to her

AIW for planning to buy an expensive tv?