Hey everyone,

Some friends invited me on a trip with them next weekend, 2 days and 3 nights, canoeing the Western side of the park. I'm reading stories about bugs emerging and thinking I should not go. I'm usually all for type 2 fun, rain, challenging routes, you name it, but myself (and others!) have noticed that bugs really attack me and I have a pretty strong reaction to them.

I tend to get huge welts the size of a quarter even before scratching or irritating the bite. A few years ago I got 100+ bites on 2 inches of exposed ankles from no-see-ums and my friend had just a handful of bites wearing capris. I get bit on the face, neck, hands, any piece of exposed skin when wearing a net/other gear.

I guess my question is... what would you do? Is it cowardly to back out of a trip for these reasons? Do people factor bugs into planning? I just feel so lame about it, but I really do suffer. Looking for any other's with similar experiences.
