Having a hard day with my husband. He tends to blame our relationship issues on my ADHD and doesn’t accept responsibility for his role. We’ve been to four therapists, including one that specializes in ADHD - he always has the same criticism despite counseling. I manage our household and have a successful career. His main issue is that I don’t pay attention to him. He actually doesn’t pay attention to me and says he does it on purpose so I know how it feels. His behavior that I call out stems from my ADHD and he reacts accordingly, he says.

I would LOVE to hear examples of supportive partners. How does your partner support you? Whose partners do a great job making you NOT feel broken?

Knowing how things could/should be would be so helpful right now. Despite knowing my worth and what I accomplish, it’s hard to believe sometimes that you deserve more in your relationship.

Editing to add....

Thank you everyone so much for sharing your relationship successes and how you both work together. It's comforting to know that it's possible for thing to be different. It's especially great that so many of you get to feel comfortable in your skin, and feel supported and helped

A lot of you mentioned the sharing of housework and tasks. I feel like we are ok in that arena and that isn't really the issue us. The main problem is that he feels lonely, despite me desperately trying to remedy that. Also the fact that I believe he dislikes many things about me that I can't change and he doesn't like that we have to have workarounds (the types of things that SO MANY of you mentioned). I'm glad to know that doesn't have to be like this.