I grew up in a very abusive household physically , sexually and mentally the physical and sexual was from my father and the mental was my mother my mother enabled my father my whole life so recently I moved in with my grandmother ( who is my mother’s mom) I adore my grandmother my mother was and is very jealous of my relationship with my grandmother so I didn’t tell my mother I moved in with my grandma and recently my mom sent me a message “ hey just want to let you know I find it very shitty to find out my daughter lives in ——— from someone else” and she blocked me on facebook but no where else And idk why her blocking me made me have these emotions I’ve never experienced before and it’s hard to deal with them. Mind you my mother “ never “ cursed and she made it a big deal when I blocked her on facebook last year. Idk I feel she trying to play some mind game with me she hasn’t called or texted her mother. I believe she is afraid to because she doesn’t know what I’ve told her mother about what she allowed to happen in that household. Idk I needed to vent.