So, I currently work at an amazing AZA zoo. I love my job, the area, my coworkers and bosses so much. But it's getting to the point where I can hardly afford to live here. I'm paying roughly 60% of my monthly pay just on my rent and utilities, and now my apartment complex is saying they're gonna raise it when I go to re-sign. Im in the cheapest apartment complex i found thats still decently livable in the whole county. I've only lived here 9 months, but the area's cost of living has gone up 250% in the last 2 years alone.

I'm considering browsing and casually looking for a new job that'll pay better, but I don't want my bosses thinking I'm trying to leave and I'm not in a rush. I moreso just want to see what's out there. Any tips?

P.S. I've had really bad experiences with roommates in the past, so I'm really hesitant to try again