I had to go to my partners sisters wedding on Saturday. There was no getting out of it. I considered wearing my n95 but I couldn’t do it. I have social anxiety disorder and I always feel like everyone is watching me and judging me regardless, with a mask at this wedding they would have. I would have been the only one.

Easily 100+ people. The only saving grace was that it was in a wedding venue barn so there was ventilation and no AC. Big fan at the top, windows and doors open most of the time. I hate crowds of people for multiple reasons. This pushed me to my limit.

I can’t believe we are in a pandemic and people just blissfully ignore it now. I haven’t felt this alienated since highschool. We used covixyl and hoped for the best. I won’t feel ok until the incubation period has passed. Part of me can’t believe I risked my health for that. I already have long covid.