Does anyone feel like they’re screaming into the abyss? I feel like I’m constantly hearing news of another cancer diagnosis, another sudden death and it’s just so frustrating people don’t want to connect the dots..

It breaks my heart every time and infuriates me… I want to tell them to please mask to avoid getting sick since they have cancer but then I look like the asshole.

Why does no one care to protect themselves or those in their circles who are immunocompromised… 😩

I hate the normalization of death. I hate the normalization of ignoring precautions. It’s so unsustainable and painful. I hate having to bear witness to this while most everyone pretends this is a normal amount of death, especially in younger populations..

It’s only a matter of time before it happens to people in my family and I absolutely dread it. I used to be so close to my big family and it hurts that I can’t even spend time with them because it’s too much of a risk.

Just cried my eyes out yet again.
