YouTubers - A place for YouTube Creators

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Post and Comment thresholds have been updatedOFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT

The new AutoModerator rules for participation in the subreddit have proven very successful. We have been making spot checks of the posts and comments that are being removed automatically and as expected, >90% of them are rule-breaking, low-effort, spam or scam posts that would not have contributed to the high quality content that we strive to maintain in the subreddit.

As of today, 26 February, we have dramatically adjusted the thresholds for posting and commenting in the subreddit. This will allow more posts and comments from younger accounts with lower karma. The TL;DR of how the requirements work:

To comment on the subreddit:
  • You must meet a minimum account age - new accounts will not be permitted to comment
  • You must meet a minimum comment karma elsewhere on Reddit - This rule is intended to weed out people who are "New to Reddit" and do not understand that this is not Facebook, Twitter It Will Never Be X, Instagram, or TikTok.
  • You must maintain positive comment karma in r/YouTubers - if your comments are being downvoted, your commenting privileges disappear and will not be reinstated.
To post on the subreddit:
  • You must meet the above requirements plus:
  • The minimum account age is higher
  • You must have a minimum comment karma in r/YouTubers - This means that you must participate in the subreddit before you can make a post. This rule is intended to get users familiar with the type of content we expect here, the specific rules on particular types of posts, how the subreddit works, and will hopefully prevent low-quality posts.
  • You must meet a minimum post karma elsewhere on Reddit - Your first post should not (can not) be in r/YouTubers. Like the comment rule above, this rule is intended to ensure that people are familiar with how Reddit works.

If you have multiple posts or comments that are highly downvoted or are removed for breaking r/YouTubers rules, your post or comment privileges will be automatically revoked and you may be banned from r/YouTubers entirely. Use of "Free Karma" subreddits or obvious attempts to gain empty karma for the purpose of participating here will result in an immediate ban, and your account will be reported to Reddit for breaking Reddit's sitewide "karma manipulation" rule.

As always, the specific karma and age thresholds will not be published and may be changed at any time to shape the quality of posts and comments that are being made in the subreddit. We appreciate your patience as we navigate the stupid changes Reddit is making to the website while they chase their IPO instead of making the site better.

Pinnedby RallyX26Moderator
Have you successfully transitioned away from YouTube? Question

So I have an art-centric YouTube channel with a pretty loyal following. Over the years, I've also added my own blog, Instagram, Patreon, Amazon Influencer page, etc. so that if YouTube disappears one day I'll have other ways to reach at least some of my subscribers.

Because of health issues, I can no longer commit to making the caliber of videos I've produced for the last few years. What I can promise to make consistently are static images, blog posts, downloadable files which subscribers find useful, and occasional shorts / reels showing my artwork and process.

My goal is to build my revenue at all the other platforms and scale back almost completely on YT.

I know this sounds nuts given the fact that evvvverything is shifting to video these days. I can't change my health situation, though.

Have you converted your YouTube following to a platform which is less video-oriented? How did you do it, and do you have advice for others in the same situation?

Why has this video no title, description, comment section... nothing under it?Question

I was listening to some music when i stumbled upon this video. It is acida from band prozac+. Great song. But i do not understand why it has no title, description. Nothing. I don't think that i have ever seen something like this in all the years that i've been on youtube. Anyone knows why this might have happened?

There is a title, description and everything showing in search results near the video. But it does not show when clicking and watching the video. I tested this on multiple devices and it is always like this.

The original channel that posted the video is prozacvevo and it does not appear to exist anymore. Maybe the channel got deleted but the video stayed online? Anyone knows why this happened?

I am just curious

Working on my first vid, but...Question

Hey all, I know the copyright thing is always in question so I know it's probably annoying to ask, but I had 2 questions about this since my channel will be about review and commentary/appreciation of nostalgic properties. This genre isn't unique by any means, which is where my questions come in.

1) A lot of people use clips from the show that they're talking about. Last I checked, it was recommended to use 5 to 10 seconds of clips not in sequential order to avoid problems. Is this still valid to any extent?

2) I've been hearing a lot of people using Animal Crossing music as BGM to their videos lately, are video game tracks cool to use know? I remember a time when people used Undertale music almost exclusively since Toby Fox didn't copyright strike people over it, but I guess Nintendo is more lenient these days?

I'm just trying to add stuff to make the videos more interesting, but I'm worried about copyright since in just starting. My vid is basically done, I just wanted to add the extra stuff to elevate it. A lot of other people in this genre do it, but I'm not sure what they have going on behind the scenes.

Creators with full time jobs, families and relationships. How do you manage?Question

Now I been doing YouTube since early 2023, a few months after I got married(bad timing on my part). I got into it thinking man I really wanna make content, something simple and fun! I did a little bit of it during Covid(but horrible execution) ended up quitting but always have a knack for it.

The problem is between full time job, being a husband, and having a social life. I almost have zero down time to sit down come up with ideals, packaging, write the scripts, record, editing and then uploading to YouTube!

Never mind never mind needing to play to get the B-roll and shots I want.

I choose gaming cause it’s something accessible and I know I’m gonna play anyway may as well make it enjoyable!

What’s your posting schedule like?

Working on script (1st Video)Question

Working on my script and gonna make sure audio and recording is top notch before adding screenshots, screen recordings, etc (whatever the official name for that is lol) but I was wondering, and I know this can vary, but curious to know how much space I am gonna need on my MacBook Pro Storage Drive with saving screenshots, screen recordings…doesn’t anyone have like an idea on how much storage space I should have when I start doing it. Mainly, I am gonna be doing screenshots and maybe some custom graphics (timeline, list, etc) but definitely gonna have parts of YouTube videos and using that for people to look at. As of now, I don’t have a website to get stock images or videos so everything I am gonna use is gonna be from YouTube and websites…..

If I have a 100 GB should that be good…I think my resolution is gonna be 1080P60. That is what my camera is and I would like to go 1440, but someone said I would need a 4K camera. I don’t think I can shoot me with my webcam at 1080 and then show my screenshots or screen recordings at 1440 or can I? Obviously, the screen recordings I use are gonna be anywhere from 720 to 1080 and I am sure I’ll grab some 1440 or even 4K (if that’s the only option)…sorry if this question seems disorganized. I work full time and tired and just trying to get some more info before going to bed. Thanks

I now see why people go for the bigger storage drives when getting a laptop….

What do I do about this? I've never seen something like thisQuestion

I was uploading my video of a game I played, I noticed a icon on the copyright section and I rushed to it thinking it was something to do with music. Instead it was a copyright claim titled Capcom gamescom event. I went to the section that was claimed and it was like a 20-30sec scene of a man and women arguing and there is literally no music in the background. Huh?? What do I do about that? How can i avoid something like that if its not music? Doesn't seem fair to me. And in case anyone will ask. It was from a game called Remember Me. What do I do?

Copyright strike on my video, what is the best thing to do?Question


I'm here because I wanted to ask other people struggling with this about what the best move is on my part.

I'm a small channel, only 200 subs, but about 150 of them are due to my latest video, a star wars video where I talk about, essentially, a fan edit I made (link here to the full video for context Essentially I gave an explanation of what I was doing for my own fandub of the film, in brief, replacing the English actors with a variety of dub actors.

So as I hint to in the video, I had every intention on posting clips of my versions, not the full version, to Youtube for the fans of the original video to watch, however when I posted my first compilation of clips, I was immediately copyright struck... which I get, it was a 20 minute video with a variety of clips from the movie, even if I did change the voices to their dub counterparts.

Youtube told me that there was a small portion I needed to take out, this was according to their bot system, however what I decided to do was dispute the copyright strike, this was a few days ago.

What I'm asking here is... was that the right call? How long does it typically take to get a reply from a megacorp like Disney? Should I have just cut the clip that was asked of me and posted it? What happens if I cut the clip out NOW? Will Youtube come after me? If Youtube believes my dispute is baseless and considers me no different to a guy that posted the full movie, will that harm my channel? If I get rejected and post the video again and cut out the clip, will that cause me to get a flag from Youtube? Any answers to these questions would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

Anybody getting more External Google Search views than usual?Question

I've noticed that in the last few months we've been steadily getting a lot of external traffic views with Google Search marked as the main external source. Some videos get as much as 50% of all traffic from External Google Search. We've been around for 3+ years and this has never been the case until 2 months ago.

Is anybody else seeing something similar? How did it affect your channel?
