Say Ya to da U.P. Eh?

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Are there any good books on the culture and history of the UP?

I'm trying to find good books on the history, culture, geography of the UP? Can anyone point me in the right direction? I've been looking at the books by Lon Emerick, but am unable to get copies of it in eBook format, and can't find it in the libraries. Anyhow are there any books you recommend?



Yooper bigfoot sightings

Any folks here have a story/experience to share? I've heard many screams and howls but nothing conclusively bigfoot. I recently fell down a YouTube rabbit hole about Sasquatch and would love to hear a good yooper story about our deep woods.

Update on recalled MAGA commissioners in Delta County. In an unexpected twist, they are rejecting the results. Buckle up for November.

ESCANABA — Swearing in ceremonies for the winners of the Delta County Board of Commissioners recall election held last week and a reorganizational meeting that was planned for Wednesday were scrapped Tuesday evening, after the Delta County Board of Canvassers failed to certify the election results.

“They’re basing their decision on the ratio of the votes, because two of (the races) have the exact same ratio and the third one was a similar ratio, so they think that that shows that the machines were somehow programmed with (an) algorithm,” said Delta County Clerk Nancy Przewrocki.

The results of the May 7 election were unusually consistent, with challengers Kelli Van Ginhoven and Matt Jensen each receiving 72% of the vote in their respective races, to incumbent commissioners Dave Moyle’s and Bob Petersen’s 27%. In the race between challenger Myra Croasdell and Incumbent Commissioner Bob Barron, the percentages were 73% and 26%, respectively.

Such results are atypical across races in elections for a number of reasons, including differences between the candidates, population density, and the cultural factors that make people choose to live in more- or less-populated areas.

But just because the results were unusual doesn’t mean they were wrong.

“I tried to tell them that the machines have been tested and the results came out exactly as they should. I have every confidence in our voting equipment because it’s always tested and in the recounts and the audits we have done, the ballot hand count has always come out exactly very close to … the tabulator results,” said Przewrocki.

It is also not the place of the board of canvassers to take results into account when deciding to certify the election. They serve a more administrative role, doing things like comparing the precinct poll books to reports from the precincts to look for internal consistency in the number of votes cast. According to Przewrocki, there were no inconsistencies that would warrant the election not being certified.

That didn’t stop two Republican canvassers from voting against the certification Tuesday. Bonnie Hakkola, who also serves as the local Republican party chair, and LeeAnne Oman, an alternate canvasser who also serves as the local Republican party secretary, both voted not to certify — splitting the board of canvassers 2-2 and blocking the certification.

A second meeting of the board of canvassers has been set for Monday at 9 a.m. It is possible that Oman would not participate in that hearing if Sema Deeds — the Republican canvasser Oman replaced Tuesday — is present. Deeds was unable to attend Tuesday’s meeting due to illness.

It is unlikely that Hakkola’s vote will change. A press release dated Monday but sent to the Daily Press late Tuesday by her son, Seth Hakkola, indicates local citizens working with members of Michigan-based groups that deny the validity of the 2020 presidential election have “identified certain statistical anomalies and suspicious voting ratios.”

Specifically, the release references local citizens working with Joanna Bakale, a prominent member of the Election Integrity Force, who is perhaps best known for advising poll watchers to call 911 if they see suspicious activity around voting machines in 2022; Citizens for Electoral Justice member Scott Aughney, a self-described “independent election investigator and whistleblower” who attempted to obtain a copy of Escanaba’s electronic poll book raw data file through a failed Freedom of Information Act request last year; and Former Republican State Senator Patrick Colbeck, of Michigan’s 7th District.

The release states the local citizens are “formally requesting a hand recount and forensic audit of the results.” According to Przewrocki, Hakkola had also requested a hand recount, but the board of canvassers is not authorized by law to conduct recounts as part of the certification process.

“I would love to do a hand count just to show them that there is absolutely nothing wrong with our tabulators,” said Przewrocki.

A recount of the ballots could still take place, but only after the election is certified. If it were to happen, it would have to be at the request of one of the candidates.

Technically speaking, Moyle, Petersen and Barron still serve as the county’s commissioners until their replacements can be put in place. If the election is not certified Monday, those board members would have to vote whether or not to hold the regularly scheduled meeting slated for Tuesday.

However, if the election is not certified Monday, there could be bigger issues. The certification process would be taken over by the State Board of Canvassers, which means Przewrocki and other local clerks would have to travel downstate with the ballots, election machines, poll books, and all other necessary documents and equipment to certify the election.

“Everything that we would have at our fingertips doing it here locally, we would have to bring downstate with us in case there needs to be a retabulation,” said Przewrocki.

The cost of the canvassing would also fall on the county.

Until the certification, Van Ginhoven, Croasdell, and Jensen cannot be sworn in and a reorganizational meeting cannot be held. Jensen and Croasdell were expected to be sworn in Wednesday morning and Van Ginhoven was slated to be sworn in Monday, but all three ceremonies have been postponed. A reorganizational meeting also set for Wednesday was postponed, pending the certification.

Gogebic Community College/ thoughts on Ironwood Mi

Hey all, just wondering how Gogebic Community College is, and the town of Ironwood itself. Is it a nice college? I see a program I like there. How is Ironwood as a town, specifically for a young guy? Is it safe and how are the people? I love nature, so what is there to do outdoors? Thanks!

edit: how far is the porkies from there?

This made me feel a lot of things
Anyone regret buying a cabin "up north"?Discussion

By cabin i mean just a 2nd home or whatever. Small or big.

Excluding the excessively wealthy from this for obvious reasons.

Does anyone regret buying a cabin up north? Feel like even at $500-1000/mo is a lot. Even if you are there say 3 months a year. If you were to Airbnb at say $150/day you'd come close to a mortgage of $1000/mo over 12 months. ~$13,500 vs $12,000. And the 12k is before utilities, tax, etc. Plus, you lose any flexibility in vacation locations.

Is this just not too realistic in this economy VS say 20-30+ years ago?

Delta county recalls 3 MAGA commissioners

In the sea of red that is the UP, I’m glad to see Delta county come to its senses. These three commissioners all got in because of their far right rhetoric. Then they started breaking laws and got too big for their britches.

Then they all got recalled. Glad to see this. It actually gives me some hope.

Other private conservation reserves in upper Michigan?

I just found out about Huron mountain club after looking at a map of old growth forests in upper Michigan and seeing a huge swath in that area. I eventually found out it was 26K acres of ancient forest and glacial lake, off limits to the public. I’m wondering if anyone on here knows of any other small or massive private conservation reserves in the UP. For examples what is on the land west of twin lakes state park?

Curious what it's like living in the UP? Thinking about moving out from California.

I have a friend from the UP (Marquette to be exact) and they absolutely love the UP. They talk about it in incredibly glowing ways and I feel like it's colored my lens of how I view the UP. I am curious what you like and dislike about living in the UP? I have been to the UP once drove up from Western Michigan - Grand Rapids and checked out Painted Rocks, spent some time in Marquette (not as much time in the UP as I wished I had to get a car back to Colorado where I was working at the time). The main reason I am considering moving is the lack of affordable housing options where I am at. I absolutely love the area I am in, but it's a little disheartening finding units to rent and knowing that if I wanted to settle down many of the homes are out of my reach and will continue to climb in price. Anyhow I've made a little pros and cons list -tell me if I am off base on any and additionally why you like/ dislike the UP?

UP Pros

-The people: The People were all cool/ nice. People were down to earth, it was easy to meet folks.

-Flat towns: so many of the towns are flat which makes it easy to bike/ walk (nordic ski in the winter) around town. I like the idea of a walkable community. Not sure if it is true but it feels like the UP has some walkable communities.

-Less Aggressive Bears: (I think) I am currently in an area where bears will break in to your car to get a candy wrapper, I haven't heard any similar stories about the UP (or at least not yet).

- A little Bit Less Tourists: In know the UP gets swamped but I am currently in an area that gets overrun, and so much of the population is transient (in and out of the area for a week/ weekend).

-Less Snow: I know the the UP is notorious for getting tons of snow, but it's still a bit less than where I am currently at. When I am between leases I live out of my van which I converted and have almost gotten buried a couple times (feel like in the UP it'd be easier to snag a place).

-The lakes: There are a good amount of lakes where I am at, but in winter they're frozen the rest of the year they're really cold. I remember UP lakes/ Ponds just being an overall nicer temperature.

-Outdoors/ Public Land: This is what I am most attached to where I am at, the UP has more public land than most of the Midwest but still not too much. My friend was saying that lots of the private holdings you can go on - like logging land, and so much is abandoned there is a ton to explore. Not sure if this is the case - one of the posts I saw on here before I posted is the Huron Club controlling lots of land and letting few on it.

-Pasties: Did not try one in the UP when I was there but tried one in Cornwall, and love them.

UP Cons

  • Car Rust - Michigan cars get crazy rust, I imagine the UP it happens worse. I've seen some gnarly cars and feel like I'd have to buy a new one every couple of years so rust doesn't eat through it.

  • Bugs - They were bad when I was up there I heard they're only bad for 6 weeks of the year (is this true?). There are a good deal of mosquitos where I live and I can manage that, you folks also have the horseflies. I can manage that but the ticks are the most terrifying that they can give you lyme and you can have symptoms like ALS with no cure.

  • Cold - The cold is somewhat of a con, I don't mind the cold but am in a place where if the highways are not closed can drive to a place 10 -40 degrees warmer in a 1 - 4 hour drive. In the UP it seems any direction you head will just be cold.

  • Never Truly Accepted - My friend who is from the UP said that as an out of towner, you'll never truly be accepted as a Yooper or a Michigander if you're not from there.

  • Proximity to Airport - Where is your closest major airport if you ever need to fly? Right not I am 3.5 hours from the closest airport if I need to get somewhere - in Summer/ Early Fall I am 2.5 hours when the passes are open from an airport that's a little bit closer.

Quarter-sized hail?

Got a weather alert earlier today that there was the above near Marquette. Anybody experience it?

The cost of your septic field and well?

Hi! I’m looking at 40 acres in the western upper, I’ve already looked at the soils on the site and plan if all goes well, to do some tests of my own.

That said, I’m curious on how much it was for anybody who had to install a septic field and well.

For comparison, this site is upland in a hardwood forest which imo is ideal land for decent soils and water tables.

April 27th: Is it time for a NORTH WOODS NATIONAL PARK?

Join us on April 27th at 10a.m. CDT / 11a.m. EDT for the next ProtectThePorkies Town Hall. After sharing campaign updates, we'll be joined by Michael Kellett from the RESTORE campaign. Topic: "Is it time for a North Woods National Park?" Except for the relatively inaccessible Isle Royale, there is currently no large wilderness National Park from Wisconsin through Ohio. Given the incredible beauty of this area, on par with anywhere in the country, this is an injustice in need of correcting. Michael Kellett will lay out the RESTORE campaign's efforts to build momentum for the opening of new National Parks throughout the nation, including a North Woods National Park in our own neck of the woods. Hope to see you there!

For more information, visit and

DNR considering the sale of 10,000+ acres in mineral lease rights across public lands; join us Monday evening to prepare public comments

Hi folks,

The Department of Natural Resources — whose mission, supposedly, is to protect our natural resources — is currently considering the sale of 10,000+ acres of mineral lease rights beneath public lands in Baraga, Dickinson, Iron, Marquette and Menominee counties to the Keweenaw Land Association, a company with only two permanent employees.

Mineral lease rights lead to exploration; exploration leads to discovery; discovery leads to new mines, scarring our landscape, poisoning our streams, burying our wetlands in waste, dissuading tourists and outdoor recreationists, and keeping our economy from evolving.

The DNR will be holding two public meetings on Wednesday, April 17th, the first at 11a.m. EDT, the second at 5p.m. EDT. Anyone wishing to participate in the public comment portion of the meetings will be allowed two minutes to speak. Registration is required. A simple statement, "I object to the sale of these mineral lease rights," is much better than remaining in silence! (Please note, you can speak at BOTH the morning and evening session)

***For those who would like to make longer comments but aren't quite sure of what to say, we will be hosting a strategizing session tomorrow (Monday) evening at 6:30 CDT / 7:30 EDT. We'll share ideas and help one another in crafting impactful public comments. All are welcome to join! And you can register for that event here.
Looking for a rental home in the "resort" area

Hello from Alpena! 📷 If this post is not permissible, I apologize and please feel free to delete it. My name is Michael, and I'm excited to share that I've recently accepted a position in the beautiful town of Escanaba. I have a wonderful fiancé and a beloved dog who's been by my side since he was just 8 weeks old (he's now 12 years old). Currently, I'm on the lookout for a rental house for about a year, allowing me time to settle into the area and sell my home here in Alpena. My new job will be at the Resort, so anything within a 25-30-minute commute would be ideal. I've noticed that the housing market in Escanaba, much like here in Alpena, is quite challenging. However, I come equipped with excellent personal and business references. Returning to the Upper Peninsula after being away for 7 years is going to be fantastic.

Punk/goth/alternative scenes in the UP?

Hey all. Currently I live in Indiana but have spent some time in the UP and love the nature, beauty, and scenery. I'm wondering if any of the cities up there have alternative music scenes or venues, or if there is an interest in this happening, i.e. if someone opened up an alternative venue, would people come? My only apprehension is that my partner and I enjoy punk and goth music and we'd obviously be several hours from Detroit, Ann Arbor, etc.