I’m exclusively a hammock camper, so I know nothing about tents, but my mother is joining me for a few backpacking trips in CO and she wanted some recommendations for tents! Her question below:

Hello, I am trying to decide what tent to get for a couple of backpacking trips this summer (3 days, 3 nights each). I don't want to carry a lot of weight, but I don't need the lightest of the lightest tent either. I would like to get a 2-person tent so I can have my pack inside as well. What is important to me is 1) waterproofness, 2) easy setup, 3) weight. I will sacrifice some weight (around a pound) if the heavier tent is more durable. I plan to get a footprint also. Price is not the most important thing, but given that I will likely not be using this tent a ton, I don't see the point in spending $1000 on a tent! I am hoping to be able to get something very decent in the $400 to $600 range.

Here are my top 3 choices so far: -Big AgnesCopper Spur HV UL2 Tent

-Big Agnes Tiger Wall UL 2 Solution-Dyed Tent

-Nemo Hornet OSMO Ultralight 2P Tent

I am 5' 1" so the footprint of any tent will likely accomodate me just fine.

Any recommendations or experience with the tents above you could share is greatly appreciated!

Edit: another reason she’s looking for a two person tent is so I can join her in it in Sweden for example, where most stretches of the hike will not have trees to hammock! :)