these wetlanders sure are strange

r/WetlanderHumor52.2K subscribers6 active
The Dragons Peace (New Rule)

So it seems like things have gotten a little tense lately...

This is a sub for people to laugh and show their love of all things WoT through the lowest quality shitposting 'silly memes'. Posts attacking others, even 'in jest' only serve to divide the community, and foster negative feelings.

u/Key_Ad_1683's "Shitposting about the books until WH gets its vibe back" series is a great idea, and a good example of what the sub should be about. I've see others post about how they are going to follow Keys example, that is fantastic!

We have a new rule: from now on, no memes about things that aren't actually WoT. No meta posts about other subs, or about people who work on the show ect. These types of posts almost always devolve into a ton of personal attacks, slurs and threats. This sub was created so we could laugh together and poke some fun at the books which contain one of, in my opinion, the best stories ever told. Lets just do that and make the world a very slightly better place, instead of hating on each other, and making it worse.

You're still welcome to make memes about the show, negative or positive, we're talking about memes about the people who work on the show, or other subreddits.

Thanks for all the laughs everyone


Pinnedby Sherris010ModeratorPrince (but not a bloodly lord) of the ravens
by RobChristiansonWWNLight blinded news peddler
Classic Aiel jokes (Wetlanders won't get it)

An irascible old sept chief named Bruan discovered one morning that his best goat had climbed onto a high cliff beside his camp and wouldn't come down. So he went to the chief of a neighboring sept, Jaren, and asked for help. The two men had never gotten along, but Jaren finally agreed, so the two of them went to the cliff and began climbing, Bruan first. They meant to scare the goat down, you see, but the goat only kept climbing higher, ledge by ledge. Then, just as Bruan and the goat reached almost the very top of the cliff, with Jaren right behind, there was a loud crack, the ledge under Bruan's feet broke away, and down he went into a sandpit, sending sand everywhere. Jaren scrambled down as fast as he could and reached out to Bruan from the edge, but Bruan just lay there on his back, sinking deeper into the sand until only his nose stuck out. Another Aiel had seen what happened, and he came running and pulled Bruan out. "Why didn't you take Jaren's hand?" he asked Bruan. "You could have been buried." "Why should I take his hand now?" Bruan grumped. "I passed him just a moment ago in broad daylight, and he never offered me water."

Lewds Lews nsfw
Lewds Lews