I know the world right now loves some good gayness, but in this case I feel like it would be a real disappointment for Wednesday and Enid to become a couple.


Enid is Wednesday's first and only real friendship outside of her family (that we know of). Having them date implies that a) people can't just be friends anymore, we have to pair them off at all costs, and b) Wednesday's most important relationship (again, outside her family) has to be a romantic one.

I love Enid and Wednesday together, but I love them as friends. I love Wednesday learning to grow and share and open up because she has a great, strong, counterbalancing female friend without it having to be a dating thing. The same way I love it in shows when a guy and a girl character seem to get along and balance each other out *but aren't into one another*. People can just be friends and in fact, sometimes that's a more interesting storyline than to stick them together and pair them off for the sake of having a relationship (in this case, for the sake of adding a queer relationship to the show).

Can Wednesday be queer? Sure, I suppose. I sort of imagined her being ace, if anything. Her genuine interest in kissing Tyler actually seemed a little off-brand for me. But Wednesday can have a relationship with anyone she wants to... as long as it's not Enid.*

*My opinion only. Ship Wednesdid or Enidsday all you want.