I've tried paying for YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok ads. Only Tiktok seems to work. And that's only a little.

I've tried submithub. Curators seem to make totally random reasons not to include you and even when it has worked i don't think it has bought me any new legitimate followers. I am skeptical they are even real streams.

I'm not sure even delaying your release to pitch to Spotify is worth it because they get 60,000 new releases daily and I can't imagine how they could possibly have the time for new artists. I think I would rather just have the song out there asap.

All of the success stories I've researched are just from people putting things up without any paid promotion or being on any particular playlist. They have just been posted for free and picked up by the algorithms and gone viral so I think that's what I'm going to do going forward.
